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Recessing Rivets?

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I've been making a few holsters and it's been going good but someone pointed out that I need to do something so that the rivets and snaps used in construction don't come in contact with the gun.Is there some way that you holster folks address this problem?

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You can sandwich the rivet or snap bottom between two pieces of leather. I am doing a IWB holster and the T-nuts are between the two layers of leather I used for the front. Two pieces of 4/5 oz glued together with the grain out on both sides. This is my top piece and I put the T-nut between the two layers.

I have also recessed a rivet then glued a circle of leather about the size of a quarter over the rivet bottom. It stays in place and protects the surfaces. But that is not as good as putting the bottom between two pieces of leather.


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You can countersink the rivet using a french edge skiver.

Here's a link to a video showing how it is done.


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If you will show us a drawing or picture of your dilemma, . . . it will be easier to address that way.

May God bless,


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For the ones you have already made take a look at High Desert Leather http://www.highdesertleather.com/id74.html. they sell plastic snap back covers for line 24 snaps that will help protect your weapons.


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