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I Bit Off Way More Than I Can Chew...

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Okay so I've got it all salted and dried out but I still can't get the last chunks of flesh and strings of sinew off. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to do that while it was wet, but I had finals coming up and I didn't have time to deal with it and it wouldn't fit in my freezer so I had to salt it to keep it safe. So now I've been out picking at it with my pocketknife for a couple hours a night the last several nights and it's just endless (my dog thinks it's amazing, though)!

I know this is an absolutely insane beginner project, but I am determined to see this through - it already has tons of my blood and sweat, and I REFUSE to give it my tears, too.


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I'm pretty sure you can rewet a raw hide to finish the work. I know of another forum that has some pretty good instruction. Check your PM (upper right) I'll send you the link.

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Fleshing is done when the hide is green(fresh flesh).

The only way to get that off now would be with a sander.

A commercial fleshing machine would work if you can find a taxidermist in your area with one.

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Thanks, guys :) I am absolutely determined to do this all by myself, so it's back to the pocketknife for now, I guess! I am sweating like a pig and I've chipped my nails and scuffed up my hands pretty good, but it's summer break and I'm used to having both work and school, so now that I have just work I have no idea what to do with all this spare time... I guess now I know, haha!

Plus I am a vegetarian and man oh man is this gross. Could I possibly have chosen a weirder or more frustrating project? I think not! Oh well :)

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Thanks, guys :) I am absolutely determined to do this all by myself, so it's back to the pocketknife for now, I guess! I am sweating like a pig and I've chipped my nails and scuffed up my hands pretty good, but it's summer break and I'm used to having both work and school, so now that I have just work I have no idea what to do with all this spare time... I guess now I know, haha!

Plus I am a vegetarian and man oh man is this gross. Could I possibly have chosen a weirder or more frustrating project? I think not! Oh well :)

Ok, I give up. What are you trying to do? Is it tan a hide, or flesh it. Do you have a fleshhing board? If that is what your trying to accomplish I would suggest you do some leg work and see if there is a Trapper's Association in the state where you live. I have done some trapping in the past and cleaning / streching hides is part of that process... We usually dont freeze them first tho... lol.. Someone else mentioned talking with a taxidermist. That may also be a good idea.. Or better yet take a trapper safety course and lear to do it from some "experts"... Most trappers are very helpful and will share their knowledge...

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You aren't trying to work on it with it on the ground like that are you? You'll ruin your back, and you're likely to tear if you hit a weak spot with your full body weight on your blade. I agree with DoubleBarP. Do get or make a fleshing board, so you can raise the hide up to where you can stand up and work. You'll have more control and be able to accomplish more without accidentally putting holes in the hide. And find your local taxidermists and trappers.

Some of these links or similar resources might help:

A homemade fleshing board from PVC pipe: http://www.taxidermy.net/forum/index.php?topic=136184.0



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