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Leather Stores In Austin, Texas?

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What is the one in New Braunfels??

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Here's the website - kbar463, can you comment on what they offer as far as raw material go.. sides, hides, species, tannages, etc? Their website only mentions their finished goods.


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They have a front area for all the sales and a very large back area as the workshop. They have quite a few rows of large shelves all stacked with multiple types of leathers. I have never seen the San Antonio Tandy "back room" (if there is one) but there is way more leather at Ludwigs than there is at the Tandy sales area. I was shown Bison, bought some horse, saw some stingray once, and all manner of garment, lining and tooling leather.

I do want to bring up again though that they seem like an actual crafting shop, but they have never batted an eye at me asking to buy raw materials. I am no expert on them, and am sure their stock represents their needs more than what someone might stock for selling the raw materials to customers. I would call if I had doubts about the availability of materials you were looking for.

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