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Curley Fryes

Border Tool

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I'm a newbie to leatherworking and have the following stamping tools. Beveler Stamping Tool B701

<LI>Camouflage Stamping Tool C431

<LI>Pear Shader Stamping Tool P206

<LI>Veiner Stamping Tool V407

<LI>Seeder Stamping Tool S706

<LI>Backgrounder Stamping Tool A104

Basketweave Stamping Tool X513

Next trip to Tandy I get a free tool. Doing alot of border work lately. What border tool do you experts suggest I get next?

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Hi Curley,

Welcome to the forum! Sorry about the new hobby!! $$$ lol!! You have only began to scratch the surface with tools!

A very interesting and useful boarder is the "Meandering Line" It can be used with a"Beaded Boarder" and without. It is a simple tool that has a great impact when used correctly. There are several, Tandy has a few sizes of one style D443, D444, D445 and D447 is a different shape.

Spacing from side to side as well as overlap need to be considered when running this type of tool. Also what type of boarder to use. The look can change a lot just from a boarder difference as well as spacing.

There are several tutorials on how to use this type of tool and they give some "rules of thumb" to get you started. It can be a frustrating tool at first but if you are doing some serious boarders once learned it covers a lot of ground quickly and makes you look like a MASTER carver!

I also like the D616, When bordered properly it gives a nice look to a plain leather (no additional tooling) item like a stirrup fender, wallet, purse.



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Thanks for the tips Ricky! I'll put those tools on my list.

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