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And yet some more bronc halters out the door. The ropin' that is giving these away aren't necessarily "politically correct" as evidenced by the Top Chick halter....LOL. But, they are a good bunch of folks, and they were well pleased with how they turned out. Let me know what ya'll think. Thanks for looking, and be blessed.



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are these patterns your own? really cool floral designs!


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Thanks for the compliments. As for the patterns, yes they're my own...sorta. I really don't draw a pattern. I simply place the circles where the flowers will go, and then start carving. I'll sketch the flowers themselves and stems with a styllus so that I know the direction of the flow, but really it's just grab my swivel knife and go. I probably should draw out the patterns before hand to alleviate any oops's, but for the most part I've minimized the oops factor down to neat nothing. Hope that helps. Thanks again for the nice words.

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Hey I think they look really good and the design flows from one to another perfectly. So it sounds like you've got the design in your head and I know from metal working once I have that if I can see it in my head then I can make it. So just run with what ever system you are using because it is working for you! Great work



You are a True Artist! Grrrrreat Work!

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Thanks for the nice words. I really do appreciate them. Again, I have to give credit to the Lord for my abilities...not only in leather, but my other gifts also.

David...I kinda have the patterns in my head when I start....sorta. Basically, I have some sort of idea what I want it to look like when it's done. I know where the names or whatever will fit, and then drop in flowers around it. I do sometimes find myself painted into a corner on some things though.

LNL....I don't know if I'd go so far as to call myself an artist. It seems like I just get lucky and stuff kinda fits when it's all done. Blind luck is actually much closer. But, thank you for thinking I might have some artistic ability.


I kinda think that is just what an artist is...

You listen to your instincts and what you get is sooo pleasant to look at... :thumbsup:

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LNL....Well thank you very much. I'm glad my stuff is pleasing to the eye. I'm still not sure the term artist applies, and besides what would all of my rodeo buddies say if they heard that I was an artist?.....LOL. Anyway, I appreciate your compliments very much. Maybe if I'm an artist, I can get an afro haircut and have a TV show on Public TV.....LOL.

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Double U..

Artist or not, you've produced some asthetically pleasing work, with good flow..

I'd love to be able to produce the same level of work..one day perhaps.. ;)



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Horrrk....thank you for the compliments. I'm sure if I can figure out how to make things that look relatively nice, anybody can. It just takes time...and of course being rather obsessive doesn't hurt either...LOL

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