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Greetings From Bavaria

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Ich grüße alle Leatherworker

In 2001 I bought 3 books of Al Stohlman, a few leather tools and some leather.

It was the foundation for my dream, but I had no time for such work.

Meanwhile, I am 61 years old and can finally start working. But better now than never.

I appreciate it very much that here the professionals to share their knowledge.

Many thanks and best regards from Bamberg in Germany


Es freut mich, nun ein Mitglied des Forums zu sein und nicht mehr wie ein Geist durch die vielen Beiträge schweben zu müssen.

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Hello from Albuquerque New Mexico. Welcome !!! looking forward to seeing your work . All my very best . Bill

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Hello David, Hello Bill

I thank you for your warm welcome

The last years I worked as an bookbinder. But now the time is come to change the tools.

The basics of leather carving, modelling, work with craftool stamps, leather dye, how to make round edges and some other works, i have learned in workshops by René Berends in Munich.

Sewing by hand and all the other steps to produce a finished piece, I will learning by doing. This is only possible with the help of the books of Al Stohlman and certainly I need sometimes the help of the members of this forum.

Various leather cases I want to do. Useful things. I will speak up if the first part is finished. But first there is practice practice practice ..........

and read many many posts and looking for the right tips for me until my eyes are square.


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I have made ​​a mistake

now my correction of registration

I am a woman

sorry - not that I'm a woman but for the error


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its never too late to start something new.

hope you have some fun in the process and feel free to ask questions.

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Welcome to the forum!!

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Hi there welcome aboard

Zum lernen ist hier der richtige Platz. Ich wuensche dir viel Spass und Erfolg mit deinem neuen Hobby. Rene berends ist denke ich der beste von dem man in Deutschland lernen kann. aber genauso viel musst oder kannst du durch ausprobieren und hie mitlesen lernen.

Viele Gruesse aus NRW.


Edited by Jazznow

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King's X


I thank you for your welcome.

When it's time, I will also ask my questions. But in studying the questions of other members I was able to find many answers.

My English is not very good and I thank the google translator for the help. I hope you will understand what I am saying.


Jonathan - schön, ein paar deutsche Worte zu lesen. Manchmal gibt es zu einer Frage so viele Tipps, dass man nur durch Ausprobieren den eigenen Weg finden kann.

(Jonathan - nice to read a few words in German. Sometimes there is a question a lot of tips that you have to find your own way by trying.)

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If you ak a handful of leatherworkers the same question, you'll get ten answers :)

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Welcome Konnie! Do you have any good suppliers close to you? I love coming to Germany, This year I will have been over 3 times.

I look forward to seeing your leatherwork:)


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My supplier "The Bear Gallery" is near munich about 125 miles away from where I live. So not really in my near.

As for my leather work - I'm still in the practice phase. Here I'll show you a very small part, made after I had practiced clean edges.

The small writing pad is only 2.36 x 2.76 inches. Konnie

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fasst hätte ich " Bazie " gesagt ..........

you are not alone in germany , look at www.planensattler.de and feel free to ask ,

perhaps i can help you with something , like leather - mostly i buy for a few thousands € to get it cheap....


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