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Rock Island Arsenal Museum Is Being Closed...

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Rock Island Arsenal Museum is being close..

"I have received some really disturbing news. There is a "plan" being proposed to close most of the 60 plus Army Museums. Some will become visitor centers (which mean no collection, just a few artifacts and some graphic displays). There will be only 14 Army museums and 32 Visitor Centers. We at RIAM are to become a visitor center by FY2017. Next year we are to pack up 10,000 of our artifacts and send them to a holding center (either Ft. Lee or Anniston, AL). The following year another 1,000 artifacts will be packed up. Jobs are supposed to go with the artifacts which will ultimately leave 1 person for the visitor center. Basically they are closing us. Now, when we were blindsided by this plan (thought up by the Center of Military History, the folks who own the army museum artifact collection) we balked. We are concerned that once the public hears about this that there will be major consequences. CMH assured us that they will help us handle the bad publicity of which we have doubts. Unfortunately local folks here at the Garrison level have gotten wind of this "plan" and have basically washed their hands of us and stated things like "when the museum closes" whenever we have asked for some help on something. So now, whether or not the plan actually happens it seems like the death bell has been rung for us.

The person behind this plan, Dr. Charlie Cureton, (he calls it the hub and spoke plan...the 14 museums being the hub and the visitor centers being the spokes) has been trying to implement this for YEARS. Unfortunately now he is the main guy in charge and all of his detractors have either retired or left the Army Museum system. He has no more opposition besides us museums in the field that don't have the muckety-mucks behind them.

There is a lot more going on than this brief synopsis but I just wanted to let you know. I would urge you to contact your local representatives to see if this will be affecting an Army Museum near you but I bet it is suppose to just be happening without anyone's knowledge. I know it will and already IS affecting us here at Rock Island Arsenal Museum."

If you think this is a bad idea write to your federal elected official and tell them not to do this...


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That really sucks. Nothing worse than a bureaucrat in the army ranks. OR worse yet, a politician. Please let us know if you hear of any more concrete things we can do to help thwart this effort to remove our history. This Cureton sounds more like Diseaseton to me.

Edited by TwinOaks
edited by request

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Thank you for taking the time to tell us of this injustice . The world is changing every day at a break neck pace . Old familiar things are being replaced by things that dont work and have no history or value . I am sorry this is happening and wish there was a way to stop it . Sounds like you are going to be out of work as well ,not a good thing these days . I hope this turns out well for the musem and you as well . Thanks for the heads up . Bill

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