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Duane Carleton Added My Straps And Web To His Site

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I think this will be good advertising for me and I'm glad he liked his straps enough to do it, especially since the last one took so long.


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Thank you David. Duane's one of our most popular musicians as you can see from his schedule and is always telling people who did the work when they ask. Now having a way for them to contact me feels pretty good. It's a long process of getting your name and products in front of people and I so appreciate his help. Cheryl

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Well girl, as the kid in the comercial said -- so long ago "things are lookingup". Good deal. Mike

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WOW How exciting for you Cheryl!

I bet you are feeling high as a kite right about Now!

Congratulations. Best of luck to you!


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Thanks you two. Actually Cheryl I'm feeling overwhelmed right now. I have my first craft show Saturday and don't know what to expect and feel like I haven't made enough products, and I have paperwork I still need to get done for tomorrow for a meeting on my business plan and grant, and finding things since the move that I need for the craft booth and getting them there, table, chair, displays, etc. It seems like everything is going really good but at the speed of light. I honestly just feel tired, grateful but tired. I could probably post something good that's going on in my life this last month everyday. But I wish I could just stop my head for a little while, I have lists within lists so I don't forget things, no matter how much I do I feel I could be doing more. I'm sure everyone feels like this once in a while, but I'll just be glad when it's Sunday and I have some of the things behind me and I can just take 15 minutes to figure out which way I want to go next. Besides bed, LOL.

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Congratulations on getting your link on Duane's website.!!

It's good advertising and doesn't harm at all to have your name mentioned when people see your work over his shoulder.. ;)



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Well done ,now you are getting a small taste of things ,doing the shows . Just relax if you need a chair its a slow show LOL ! If its a good show you arent going to be sitting down . No time for that . Keep your money organised when the bills get to be too many divide it in half and put it away in another pocket. Dont pull a big wad of money out ,never know who is watching . Above all have some fun and enjoy . Its a grind sometimes ,watch the veterans they have the set up and tear down to a minimum effort ,see what works and make it your own . If you have a good show it will be days before your feet touch the ground so I wish you well with this . Cant wait to hear the story after you are done . All my very best Bill

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Thanks you guys. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll be sure and tell everyone about the show too. cheryl

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Congratulations Cheryl!!! Nice job, and good luck with the craft show. With your new found success maybe you need to change DoubleC to be Cheryl the Conqueror :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much. But I think I'll wait until it translates into a few bucks before I change my name :red_bandana: But if I don't get some orders it won't be because I'm not trying to get the name out there locally!!!! :lol:

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