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I just posted a album with some of my work and i am new to the leather world . I am self taught and been doing it for a cpl of years now i would love your opinions likes and dislikes, please be honest and let me know what ya think.


Billy O. Snyder Jr

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Welcome Bill. A few years isn't new compared to a bunch of us, but congrats on finding the site and we look forward to seeing your work.


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Thanks for the welcome to the site and i have posted an album of just a few things i have done lately would love some opinions and likes and dislikes thanks in advance.

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OK, I looked at your pictures, and I have to say your barbed wire belt is really cool. It looks like actual wire on the belt. Your basket stamping is even and straight and overall your construction looks solid. The only area I have a question about is your figure carving. It looks like you've gone for a silhouette look for your horses, but they seem to be asking for more detail to me. Compared to the rest of your work, they leave me feeling they are unfinished. But, they are well executed.

Hope this is what you were looking for?

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yes this is exactly what i am looking for and thank you for you imput

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and welcome to the forum!

your belts look really good.

I am still trying to figure out if that is real barbed wire or not.

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not it is not real bared wire it is leather , and thanks for the welcome

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Welcome to the forum. I looked at the album and things look good. I really like the depth on the barb wire. Only thing I saw on the critique side is the stitching needs some work it looks like but I could not really blow the pictures up enough to see for sure on my iPad so it could just be me. I also could not get a good look at your edging. Over all I like your work it looks really good. Thanks for posting the pictures.


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I really like what you did with the barbed wire. It really does look like real wire attached to the belt. Job well done.


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thanks guys, ill post more soon wed

ding album and guitar strap on the list for this weekend

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Looking at your work. Billy..

I agree the barbed wire looks quite realistic..is it formed leather which has been overlaid onto the belt?

The only critique I can really give is on the stitching, as David mentioned..but there are plenty of pointers on the site on that side of things, in order for you too tidy it up.. :)

Good work..



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Thanks Phil, and yes it is formed leather that i simply manipulate into the strand and then hand stitch down to the point of where a bard goes make the bard sew it down and then proceed to the next, it is a slow process but i feel worth the effort.

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It is indeed worth the effort, Billy..it had folk wondering what they were looking at.!! ;)

Welcome to the site by the way..there's lots of friendly people on here and loads upon loads of advice, stacked up, ready for the learning..

Nice work with what you've shown so far, anyway..

Keep 'em coming ;)



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Billy, Welcome from Lowell, NW Arkansas!

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Nice work and welcome..........could you explain in detail with pictures how you made the barbed wire?

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yes mike i will do that just as soon as i can i have some projects on the books right now, that i have to finish first then ill put a slide show together for you

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