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New Guy. First Post. Leatherworking For 2 Weeks.

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Hello everyone.

So I've been bitten. My fiance and I were in Hobby Lobby and I saw a Tandy Basic Leathercraft Set. Figured it would fun to try and a wallet, key fob, money clip, and coin purse later, I'm hooked. Not saying my work is anything nice to look at, but it's a start.

After doing some lurking on here, I've gathered that the Tandy tools that come with the set aren't the best in the world.

I've had some money stuffed away from a rainy day and I've decided to use it on leather tools. I would LOVE to get the best I can get for my money. Any suggestions on brands, stamp types, and either a mallet or a maul? Any help would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks, Rich.

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Barry King can fix you right up with what you need. He has a web site but If I was you I would give him a call and explain what you are wanting to do. He is one of the good guys and will help you out.


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If you have the means, buy the best tools you can afford. They truly make a difference. Plus, if you decide its not for you, you can recoup the costs better with good tools.

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