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Here's the latest. I was able to squeeze this order in the middle of the monster job I'm in the middle of. It turned out semi-okay. There's a hiccup in the stitching that I sure don't like. Oh, and this was the second attempt at this order. I tried to get "creative" on the first try and do some different vine work and I just wasn't happy with how it turned out. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think. Be blessed gang.


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The tooling is de'vine' :) stitching gives it character. I'd be proud to own such a work of art.

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very nice work!

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Sweet! I hope to someday be able to produce that kind of quality!

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I agree with the above....beautiful work, and great on the one stitch. People will always know it's handmade. Cheryl

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HMMMMMMMMMMMM Mighty fine work well done . This project shows us all that no matter our skill or expertise in the end we are all human . A project is the sum of hundreds of tiny well done steps at any moment we can stumble . I like this very much and would be proud to own no matter what . Its a fine piece of craftsmanship made with much love and care and for that I applaud your skill at the bench . My compliments ,well done . Bill

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Thanks all for the nice words. I appreciate them.

Deb...I really appreciate the "de-vine" humor. I'm a bit of a quick wit (some would say a half wit!), and that was a very good remark. Well done!

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Thanks Double U,


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