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Edge Sanding

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Quick question about sanding edges... I'm using an oscillating drum sander (Delta BOSS) to clean up the edges of two pieces of leather cut for a holster. This is to get clean matched edges for grooving/stitching.

I am finding that the 8/9oz veg tan leather sands great, except a very thin layer at the top of the grain side. This skin/film/grain wants to stay attached and fold over or generally not sand off. Is that typical?

I can bevel it off fairly easily, but not sure if I am maybe using a drum too coarse, or not coarse enough, or...



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I have that problem too. Not usually a problem, unless you have to sand a LOT away - so much that it's not removed with the edger. In that case, it's better to trim the excess before hitting it with the sander - saves the life of your sanding drums too.

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Yeah ya can't sant that. Once your edge is smooth, then use your edger to remove the grain flap thats left.

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