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So as the forum suggests, time to show off!!!

First is my first attempt at tooling a leather wallet for my cousin.


Next is a set of bracers for my wife


And these two are of parts for a gauntlet for myself


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You have a great start...one thing is when you cut with the swivel knife don't cross cut ends. Stop short when you come up to another cut.

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I'll second benlilly's note about the cuts but otherwise I REALLY like the look of the designs in the last couple photos. Have to see some more of those.

keep it up and it'll only get better


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I see what you mean, and I tried to prevent that but I get a little over zealous and being left handed I start some of my cuts from the "wrong" side, and end up hiding my lines from myself... Thanks for the feedback

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Good start.... on your wifes bracers, the thread is too thin and seems kind of lost.I would use leather laceing or thicker thread. or useing the same thread go thru the holes two or three more times. It will have a more finished look. Cut the furrels off of the shoe laceing-- a bit of glue on the ends will keep it togather then dye the laceing or use leather laceing instead. lets see more of your work as you go.


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Threading on the wife's bracers is the initial strengthening stitch and I am picking up some lace tomorrow to finalize. I agree the bracers do look unfinished. The shoe laces are just a temporary fix so she could try them on. I didn't even think about stitching through a few more times... Good idea, either way I am heading to the supply store to get lace thread and prolly some dye. Thanks for the input

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Assassin's Creed, huh? It'll be interesting to see your finished result.

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Matches the tat on my left forearm... Well sort of... My tat doesn't have the flourishes.... Yet

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I made a very amateur move and experimented on hardening the leather with one of my project pieces, this is good and bad, good thing is I learned quite a bit from the process bad thing is one of the plates for the gauntlet is so misshapen that I probably won't be able to attach it to the gauntlet. S this spurred on a redesign, should have the new plates cut out and stenciled sometime tomorrow... Now armed with the knowledge I have gained from your comments and suggestions I have a grand idea on how to make this happen.

Will post pictures soon!

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