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Hello all, I got one of the Tandy downloads for a purse, it is from a pattern (old retired) but I wanted to make a Sheridan tooling pattern for it. I am NOT good at drawing them, but did take a stab at it.....problem is I can't get it to look right. I put originally 6 large flowers in it, and at the bottom curve one smaller one. Does anyone have time to help me finish this so I can move forward to actual purse construction?

I would also LOVE to get some help on what I need to fix....the picture is not that good, there is really only one edge that is acceptable, the other side even though I tried to finish it isn't working out.

THANK YOU for any help you can give me

Happy Holidays!!



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Any way that you could scan what you have? I'm not sure if it'd be any help but I'd be willing to take a stab at it. Might take a little while as I'm kind of pokey but I'll try. Only done a few of the Sheridan scrolls but might be able to rough something out.


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Hi there - I am TRYING to get this scanned, and am having a hard time - still working on it! Thanks Michael


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No problem. While you're working on that what kind of dimensions are we looking at? I can start fiddling with a rough out for the pattern this weekend if I know how much space I have to work with.


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Hi there- I can do one better than that even! I can send you my pattern drafting! Will send you a PM...I got a new ink cartridge today, and even though that has NOTHING to do with scanning, for some reason our printer-scanner-copier won't do any operation if out of ink...so hopefully will fix the trouble!

Actually - can you pm me your email?


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For anyone that may be interested, or can help - I have a scanned image of my drawing FINALLY, but it is too large to upload- so if you are interested, I can send it via email


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Hi Charlene:

I haven't attempted to draw my own western floral yet but I have read a lot about it. To my eye it appears that you aren't "completing the curve" as Paul Burnette (RIP) talked about. The idea is to think in terms of spirals and circles and where one leaf or petal leaves off, the next one should follow that same curve. That is why your curvy leaves look stubby, you've cut them off before they complete the curve and or merge with the next element(flower) Even if you terminate the leaf part way, the eye should be able to follow an imaginary line that completes the spiral.

Hope this helps some.


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I recieved the pattern....I am trying to redraw it , but like Sylvia said, there is no "flow". Give me some time and I will see what I can do to change it so that there is a visible flow. The way it is now it is just looking pieced together. I will try to keep a similar layout and also add "flow"

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After she said that, I understand what she is saying about the leaves. I drew the circles in, then added the directional lines, then added the insides and outsides of the flower stems, then was concerned there was too much white space. But, I think that overall, it is way too crowded....

Thank you for the feedback!


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