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I got my feet wet on holster making. For my first holster was for my Walther PPK. I followed Particle's video on making an Avenger style of holster. That mostly went well but it was hard keeping track when the video was "upside down" from my view point. I ended up putting the wrong side of the pattern up when I cut the leather so it instantly became a left hand holster. It did help me with my pattern though. I am learning from doing it!

Here is that first holster


This is a picture on my belt but it was before I finished the belt loop. It does fit really nice even when sitting.


My second holster was a pancake holster from the SLC pattern for my Glock 17. I had some issues with using some british spirit dye where it looked really blotchy so I used some of the Italian water based dye that Tandy sells in blue over it. I wanted to see if some other color worked as nice as the black did on the PPK holster. It actually works well.


I am currently working on a holster for my Walther PPS.

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Nice job. Looks like you have a real talent for holster making. I like the Tandy waterstains too.

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Great job on those. Better than my first couple attempts. Keep up the good work.

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Very nice job on those ! Stan

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Actually I have a set and used the on the first holster. The pancake was done from a SLC pattern but expect future pancake holsters are from my own drawn plans. On the other thread you can see my PPS avenger holster that also had some french curve touches but I will take it in mind for my future ones!

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Much better than my first holsters!

Looks like the leather is of low quality. If you decide to ramp it up, things will become much easier and you'll be happier with the finished product.

The only glaring thing in design that I could give advice on is the mag release is fully covered. You could easily notch out the leather for it.

Nice job!


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Thanks Dickf.... Yes the leather was real cheep tandy 8-9oz that was on special for $20 for a 5-7sq/ft shoulder and while it was good for practice/prototype/work out the pattern stuff it other wise was not very good. The Glock Pancake holster does expose the magazine release from both sides, but the PPK as you noted does not. The problem with the PPK is the magazine release is up next to the slide but is low profile. Its not likely to get hit by the holster and release the magazine. It could be done though, I would need to do a lot of reshaping to bring the curve of the top in about 1/2". On right hand holsters that is on the back side. It might affect where the front belt loop sits....

Thanks I will give it some thought. My Walther PPS holster has paddle magazine releases that should be covered for most people and that is easier ;)

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