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Stencil Over Leather?

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Hey guys,

I'm not at all a leather worker, I just want to modify my leather messenger bag. I want to make it look a bit more urban, so I was wondering if I could stencil on some logos from vinyl stickers. I was thinking of using a towel and a ScotchBrite pad to scuff up the leather a bit and take away a bit of the color and make it a shade or two lighter/less vibrant. Maybe even lay it in the sun a bit. Then I would apply the stickers, and then apply shoe/leather polish/dyes, gradually darkening the leather around the stickers. The result would hopefully be a natural looking branding.

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One of the easiest ways to decorate leather is with a common ordinary old wood burner wand.

Just, . . . BE CAREFUL, . . . and TAKE YOUR TIME.

Also cover up everything except the immediate area where you are working, . . . you drop that thing and you've got an added bonus to your design.

May God bless,


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putting it in the sun will actually darken the leather.....think suntan.....A deglaser would take off the finish better and not scratch the leather and would also remove some of the finish.....if its not chrome tanned leather.JMHO

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