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Line 24 Snap But With A Smaller Cap

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Is there such a thing?

I have .75" wide leather that the cap of this thing looks HUGE on. Thanks ahead of time.


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Line 20 snaps are smaller. I like the line 20's just a tad better than the 24's also because they have a bit of a cleaner look to the back side than the 24's. However, the 24's are better with thicker leather obviously. I don't know if they make them double capped like some rivets are, but that would be great lol.

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I don't know if they make them double capped like some rivets are, but that would be great lol.

Just use a cap on the back piece instead of a post. Yeah, it will throw off your count, but I always have a couple of badly set snaps anyway, so there's always extra pieces laying around. You can also find some retailers that sell the line-24's in pieces.

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Ahhhh thanks! I knew that worked with different size rivets but I never even thought about trying that with the snaps. You are sooo right about some bad ones already being in the batch anyway lol.

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