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Whipmakers. Where Do I Start?

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Hello All.

Just wanting to know where I need to start to begin making whips. Do I need books or DVDs or both or does one work better than others? Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks................Rory

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Howdy! Start with the vids on You-Tube. They have ideas using paracord and various leathers. Some are better than others. The ones from Australia are pretty good. Then buy several books. Morgan has a good one. Good Luck, Stan

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You may want to learn the braiding techniques before jumping full into a whip. get familiar with 4, 6, and 8 strand braids. I'm building my 1st whip now but I've been braiding and getting familiar with the techniques for a couple months. Vids are good and so are books. I used David Morgan's Braiding fine leather book to learn the braids. I've done several key chain braids. I just got David Morgan's making whips book. Hope this helps.


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