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Hello all. I've been browsing this forum for the past week now and have enjoyed reviewing the craft and energy the users here possess.

I run a small Menswear company that produces high end garments and everything is 100% American made.

I'd like to add a variety of leather items to the line up. Wallets, belts, and Sunglass straps.

I've specifically come to this forum to ask for help in both designing and production. I'd like to introduce our companies version of a very high end sunglass strap. Below are the only two known competitors. Our market demands high quality and they also love sunglass straps.

The problem: Sunglass straps are notorious for not fitting all types of sunglasses. The temple (the part that sits on top of your ear) varies greatly in size and the part of the strap that attaches to the sunglasses 98% fits one but not the other or is so incredibly cheap it breaks. Rayban's wayfarers is the sunglass that its criticial to fit perfectly on.

I'm looking for someone to help me solve this problem. A sunglass strap that securely attaches to any varying size sunglass with a high quality finish. The leather used should top shelf as well as water resistant. These will naturally be exposed to head sweat and often cases water. Think sailing.

There are only two companies out there that I know of producing these and they're links are below.

If anyone is up for the task, maybe one or maybe both. We pay well for again, high quality goods. For the a working design and sample as well as instructions and a template for making it. Anywhere from $100-$150. For a really phenomenal design, we would pay a lot more.

Production, this will be something to figure out after the design/prototype is finished.

Example 1:


Example 2:


Look forward to hearing from you and hope theres a couple of you out there interested.


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Can we expect to find out who you are?

  • Contributing Member

Thank you.

I have some questions about your offer to buy designs:

Are you wanting someone to make/supply them at wholesale prices, or....

Are you offering a one time payment for the design, or are you offering the payment for the design + a percentage (which makes the request much more interesting)? And are you asking for exclusivity on the design? If the pattern is submitted and accepted, are you requiring the copyright to the design as well? If a design is submitted and NOT accepted, will you give up all claims to the design?

I ask because for something that you're probably going to retail somewhere between the two competitor's prices ($25-$40), the design fee of $100-$150 seems somewhat low.....we, leather artisans, can design and sell just a few and make as much or more as your design fee.

Given the cost of materials and the effort/labor that would go into straps similar to those your profit margin would be rather large, and it seems like you're low balling the designer on the fee.....especially since you are asking for not only the design, but a template and construction details. It appears that there's quite a few people that are viewing this the same way I am, because though over 50 people have looked at it, there's only two participants in the conversation so far.

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Sorry. Didn't mean to offend anyone. I figured given the simplicity of the project it would take one of you experts 2-3 hours and less than a sqft of material to figure it out. I actually bought a hide and have a few have decent concepts I personally made.

I wouldn't be opposed to an agreed upon royalty with a cap. I'm also not opposed to paying 3-500 for the design so long as its different and solves the problem. I've kept all the manufacturing we do here in the United States not because I have to but because its the right thing to do. I'm not out to make a quick buck off someone elses expense. All business relationships are mutually beneficial. With that being said.. If we do pay hefty sums for design and potentially a royalty. We will require IP on the design.

Again. I didn't mean to lowball and I'm sorry for that. My extremely limited leatherworking exposed brain just assumed this would be an incredibly simple tasks for the veterans here and would make a quick buck.

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I often wondered about some of the fishing on line and its catch or catches?

  • Contributing Member

No problems. But there have been ...'miners'....before. Given that the very first post was a request for someone's design assistance, it raised a few flags to me.

Several of us have discussed new ways to do things on the open forum only to have knock offs show up in the box-marts a few weeks later. As a small business owner, I'm sure you can understand some of the hesitance.

Now that you've offered why you were naming figures that to some of us seem pretty low, based on expected market exposure, and stated a willingness to work with the designer(s), I think there will be a bit more interest.

If you are not familiar with this particular forum set up, we have a messaging system called "private messages" or "PM's". In the upper right hand corner of your screen, at the top of the forum page, you should see your name and a small down arrow. Clicking on the down arrow will activate a menu that will allow you to select your 'messages'. There should also be a small icon that looks like an envelope just to the left of your name. If there is a number by that envelope, it indicates that you have new private messages. Simply clicking on the envelope will take you to the new messages.

Due to the nature of the internet, I propose that members interested in contacting you do so via the PM system so that business arrangements can be handled in a more private manner. This will allow you to converse with them in a one-on-one basis, eliminate non-serious offers, and share contact information in a manner that is far less likely to be harvested by internet bots.

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Cool. Well I just hope I get some interest and if you're interested you can PM me ;).

This would be a fun and unique product for us to bring to market and I'd enjoy getting to know the ins ands out of the craft.

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Hmm, any all leather product exposed regularly to salt water (sailing) or any water in general is a problem better fixed by using a different material. I too would like to see a "sealer" that permanently fixes this problem. Fix that problem and you wont have to be clicking out sun-glass straps ever again! You've just invented a multi million dollar problem fix that can be used in multiple industries. Temporary sealers are just that but would require frequent reapplication to achieve a level of resistance suitable to meet the harsh environment of salt water. IMHO. The design would be difficult to "protect" and while your intent to keep it in the US as we all would love is admirable, all good ideas wind up in Asia. Write your congressman if you don't like it. You need more that a leather craftsman... you need a chemist. Just keeping it real in Tennessee.

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hey mdubyawood,

are you interested in tooled wallets, like floral designs or something? i looked at your website and all thats there is regular leather wallets. i can make anything from moneyclips to billfolds to checkbook covers. i have a couple of new floral designs for checkbook covers that i have been looking to try. i could even do a floral belt. reply if interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:Newsicon: thanks rylee. :thumbsup:

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