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I found a Singer 29K recently for $300. I haven't actually seen the machine yet but plan to in the coming days. I know nothing about this type of machine other than what I've read here and some You Tube videos I've seen. Can anyone tell me if this is a good machine to have and what to look for when I go see it. It won't be my only machine, I have a Cobra 4 and a Tippmann Boss but this what I expect everyone calls a patcher. It appears that there is no table with the machine.

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Every leather or shoe shop needs a patcher. I use mine for sewing patches into places that a flat bed machine can't reach, like over a pocket, with the nose of the machine inside the pocket. They allow you to sew patches onto jacket sleeves. I even use mine to sew decorations and hole patches onto jeans. They are the only machine that can sew a shoe back together after it is assembled and some thread gives up. Use a patcher to install zippers into boots! Sew new zippers into side pockets on jackets! But wait, there's more..... Sew pool stick pouches up the snout! They're also great at sewing new straps and top zippers into purses.

What a patcher cannot do

No holsters or tack! These are light duty machines, best limited to #69 or 92 thread and work not exceeding 1/4 inch thickness. They were built to sew boot and shoe uppers.

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You did not say what model of 29K....there are several..........I personally have a 29K71

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I haven't found the model number yet. I understand it was build around 1927. Wiz, thanks for the in-depth reply on the machine. Another question which is off topic. I recently upgraded to a Windows 8 machine and within this forum, the 'ENTER' key doesn't work. That's why I don't sign off with my name. Anyone have a fix for that problem?


Edited by LeatherWerks

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Be sure you click inside the forum browser window before you hit the Enter key. It should work exactly as before. If you are using Internet Exploder, please try another browser, like Firefox or Google Chrome. They render things to standards and the Enter key still submits forms.

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Wiz, I changed to Chrome and everything is fine. IE10 won't allow (at least on my machine) a hard return in the topic window.


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That is a typical reason why Leo LaPorte and I refer to IE as Internet Exploder

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