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I am trying to learn the multi-string button-type braids in Grant's Encyclopedia where the strings are first wrapped, then interwoven. (Herringbone weave.) When I am finished, the braid lines twist around the core. How do you keep the lines straight??

(My attempt to post a picture of the crooked lines failed, so I hope my description of the problem is clear.) Thank you.



I have heard one experienced braider, (17 years experience) say that he draws a line down the item he is braiding to help hime keep his work straight. Like for the nose buton on a bosal.

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I usually will straighten out my base knot or in this case the turks head or the casa knot before interweaving the rest of the knot. A straight base knot means a straight button knot all the way around.


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Getting the base knot straight as Brian suggested is also the way I do it and would recommend giving that a go. Drawing a line to use to keep your work straight also sounds like a good idea and could be useful to help get the base knot straight.


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With all due respect to Bruce Grant, a real master, most of us that I know of tie those multi string knots by the braiding method (Brian Neubert's video also shows it), That, with drawing the line and paying close attention to keeping the base straight and it gets easier each time.

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Thank you to all of you for the input. I am using lines as guides, but it has not helped with the "wrap method." I will try braiding first as you have suggested.

Deb Williams

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On a nosebutton, I put one end in a vice and sit on the other end on a stool. Then I braid it down and watch to keep it straight by keeping it from moving and twisting. I've got to be careful when I turn the ends back, thats where I'll get some twists. But practise and repetition seem to work best and tying off half the strings when you turn back helps me from grabbing or dropping the wrong string. Brad

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I find that both ends twist in opposite directions when I am tightening the turnbacks. Maybe I will try stick pins to hold it in place until done. Thank you.

Deb Williams

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