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I had a small set of hand held bellows sent to me from a customer, and they were in pretty bad shape.

I think they're around 30years old. There must be something special about them for the customer to go to great lengths to have them repaired, sentimental perhaps.

My first time doing bellows, and now, after seeing the end result, I wouldn't mind doing some more.

I took notes etc. , took pics , wrote down all sorts of info so I knew how they looked and how they go back together.

Although I smelt like a piece of smoked bacon by the time I finished, its not exactly a huge job, but I quite enjoyed doing these.

Hope you like the pics.



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Nicely done!!

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Wow, very good end result. Where do people find customers like these? What leather did you use to make them with?

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G'Day ,

Thank you very much.

Looking closely at the old leather, its looks like it got a bit to close to direct heat causing it to dry out and split.

I used a 1 -1.5mm veg tan leather, and using the old pieces ( what was left of them) as a template.

After oiling, dying, I put a few liberal coats of sealer on the inside, and a coat of super shene on the outside which finished it off nicely.

All the copper and the brass tacks were polished up using a piece of steel wool, Autosol ( metal polish) and some brasso.

I'll be advising the customer to keep them away from direct heat.

I have since put a piece of brass chain on them to hang them up...away from heat.

I'll also be keeping an eye out for bellows at S/H shops, markets etc. I never knew how nice they looked with a bit of love.

Imagine how they'd look with a nice carved leather design on top?

All the best,


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G'Day again,

just to quickly answer your question "Where do people find customers like these?"

I do craft markets every weekend in various locations, and I often get an assortement of enquiries regarding repairs,

some of which are quite challenging, but very educational . This particular client found me at a market 3 years ago...she's only just got around to having the bellows repaired.....thank God for flyers & business cards :thumbsup:


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Oh God, I wouldn't even know where to start with something like that so I give you kuddos for even accepting the challange first of all lol. I think it came out really nice, probably better than it ever was.

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