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Another rose holster

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This is the natural roses I've tried to create.

My inspiration for it came from the pictures that "Bobocat" posted here a few weeks ago of his work, I just had to try to make something like that :-)

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Not sure what else to say. WOW!!!!

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Beautiful work Tina. I love everything about it and the carving looks fantastic.Dave

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holy rose petals batman...thats marvelous tina simply marvelous =0)

if i ever due roses & color'em...i now have something to shoot for :gun: ...i may be high and to the right...but ya need to have a target none the less...


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Thanks a loads guys:-)

Darryl, You think as I do, I get inspired buy other peoples wotk too and then I just dive in there, head first:-)

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Wow, I love this. I love your tooling of course but I also like how you left some of the natural browns on it to show off the leather.

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