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Another pair of Hey Zues Christos Finished Tonight

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Just finished, got away with only minor injuries like a skinned knuckle and a couple of finger jabs :banana: Have to still punch the buckle holes when she adjusts the straps for a decent fit tomorrow.





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Now that is some good looking footwear, Jordan - shame we are living with torrential rain here in the UK or I could easily be tempted...

I really like the way those straps vanish into the soles without lumps and bumps. Nice. :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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Those are fantastic Jordan!

We call those "Jeruselum Cruisers" in my neck of the sandbar!

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Jordan, you have came a long way, keep up the Great work.

We called them "Jesus Boots" a long time ago.

your stiching looks great.

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Those are great, I too like the way the straps go into the sole and leave no bumps! Where did you find the pattern?

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The pattern is from a pair of cheapo zorries in the clearence bin at the supermarket adjusted to an outline of the customers feet, and the strap configuration came about after studying a photo I found online and lots of trial and error.(dremel sanding drum to make the channels) Thanks for the kudo's, I hope they fit and she likes them too.

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Those are some really slick "Jesus feet". (No sacrilege intended). Do the straps run in between layers of the sole? If so, can you feel them when you walk on them? Very nice looking shoe, you should be able to sell those easily.

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I'm in the process of making a pair for the wife.

Did you hand stitch them ? If so, how did you do the stitching holes, hole punch, or awl ?

I'm gluing the soles, but I think they still need some stitching.

The stitching gives them a pro look. I hope mine come out 1/2 as nice as yours.

Once again, great job.

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The straps are recessed in channels in the thicker sole piece, they actually fall in an area in front and behind the ball of the foot, some telegraphing through the leather is felt but not that bad. Thicker sole and deeper channel would eliminate it pretty well. Also the addition of some type of form fitting foam on the bottom of the top piece would help. Have not found any to try yet. I glued the top and bottom together after installing the straps, sanded the edges flush, gouged a thread channel (deeper on the bottom for wear protection) used a sewing wheel to mark the hole positions, used my neels5 machine (without power) to poke the holes then hand sewed. The guide I have is too wide to sew properly without running into the straps or sliding off the edge which caused deflection out of the channel on the bottoms of my last ones.

Edited by Jordan

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Jordon, those sandles look really comfy! Great job. :thumbsup: Neat idea to use the sewing machine for your stitches.


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I LOVE THESE!!! I have been wanting to make some forever. What oz. leather do you use? These turned out great. Hey, How about using some of that fancy yoga mat that's been mentioned around here.

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I used what was labeled 5/6wt for the foot pad and 10/11wt for the bottoms, all from the scrap table at the local Tandy, the thick stuff was labeled saddle skirting and I bought two 1/2" sandal buckles and two prepackaged bags of standard 1/2" x 70" (I think) strap. I did sand the straps down a bit on a belt sander to make them a little thinner and pliable. And the rest is history as they say :cheers: I did post a bunch of photos of my last pair starting with a paper pattern through completion awhile back, I think it is in the other specialties section, but if you have any construction questions when making yours, I would be happy to assist in any way I can.

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I used what was labeled 5/6wt for the foot pad and 10/11wt for the bottoms, all from the scrap table at the local Tandy, the thick stuff was labeled saddle skirting and I bought two 1/2" sandal buckles and two prepackaged bags of standard 1/2" x 70" (I think) strap. I did sand the straps down a bit on a belt sander to make them a little thinner and pliable. And the rest is history as they say :cheers: I did post a bunch of photos of my last pair starting with a paper pattern through completion awhile back, I think it is in the other specialties section, but if you have any construction questions when making yours, I would be happy to assist in any way I can.

here is the link to the other I think....


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