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What low sheen or matte finishes are the best for use on black veg tan? Without spraying and being more water- and rub-off resistant than Bag-Kote, MPB, NFO-beeswax paste or Mop-and-Glo.

Some considerations:

1. When finishing black English Bridle or holstered skirting (W&C), even Satin Shene comes too shiny. Recommended mix of water, Satin Sheen and Super Sheen as 2:1:1 too.

2. Applying neutral Satin Shene or Eco-Flo Professional matte finish leaves translucent whitish hint in leather pores, I believe this is a mica powder sed as a matting agent. Black Resolene and neutral Super Shene have no such problem, but they are shiny on this leathers.

3. I tried Bag-Kote, MPB, NFO-beeswax paste, Aussie conditioner on scraps, water resistance is much lowert and water stains appear. Also there is concern if there could be rub-off of Fiebing's spirit dyes on clothes with these finishes, and could the oil from finishes stain clothes. Any personal expearance?

4. Fiebings Leather Sheen are no longer available locally, it gives less water protection than Resolene or Super Shene, and finished with it leather looks unfinished at all. I know that masters use it successfully, but maybe it needs other undelaying finish.

Any thoughts, speaking from experience?

Thank you.

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It would help if we had some idea of the project you have in mind, . . . also how thick is the leather you are using?

May God bless,


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6-7 oz, W&C, folder sheaths. Thanks.

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I can't speak for your results using NFO / beeswax, . . . I assume it is probably a commercial product.

I make my own using virgin beeswax, and neatsfoot oil, . . . 50/50 by weight, . . . heated together in a glass jar, . . . sitting in a crock pot with just enough water to make the larger jar float up off the bottom a bit.

It gives a medium sheen, . . . and while not "waterproof", . . . it is seriously water resistant. I put it on rubbing the cake of material liberally on the leather, . . . go over it with a heat gun, . . . usually 3 or 4 coats, . . . come back in a couple of hours and buff it a bit.

Back off a bit maybe 55/45, . . . more oil than wax, . . . you might really like the results.

It is also easily restored when you fall down in a gravel pile and scratch up the surface finish.

May God bless,


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I can get a pretty light sheen on Resolene by thinning it more. I prefer spraying it, but you can achieve the same results by sponging it on.

As for MPB, yeah, it's going to rub off since it's more of a conditioner. It's what I call a "temporary finish" since it will require reapplication. I love it though and actually put it over everything I make as a final protective coat.

Someday I'm going to get off my but and make a wax finish like Dwight mentions.

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Thank you both, it was helpful. Is there anything more matte?

Dwight, it may be from one of your posts about how to make old time finish by mixing equal amounts of neathsfoot oil and beeswax by weight, melting them together in double boiler, and applying as a shoe polish. There was reference to old lady who successfully used this as a finish for years. The onlty thing I worry about, if the dye (F's Pro-Oil or spirit dyes) may bleed throug it and that the oily finish itself may leave oil/waxy stains in hot climate (California, Arizona). Any information about that?

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goldenstone, . . . best I can tell you, . . . never have had a problem with dye rub off using it.

BUT, . . . most of the rigs that I use this on, . . . are cowboy rigs that most of the guys and gals have on once a month or twice a month for a couple hours at the most.

The one piece of leather that I can attest to is my phone case, . . . had it in use about 5 years or so, . . . didn't dye it, . . . but also never have seen any oily residue or wax where it didn't belong.

It's easy to make, . . . best to satisfy yourself with a little back yard testing. Use some scraps, . . . especially use some USMC black, . . . if THAT doesn't rub through, . . . nothing will I would imagine.

May God bless,


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Thank you, Dwight, it's good to know. I test everything, but for weeks, not years, and up here is much cooler than at US South.

Appreciate your help!

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