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Is there a leather Guild in the Portland Area? Or club or meet up group? I would like to meet with people and talk leather and equipment! Trade original patterns and services if possible. Trying to network with Portland Leatherworkers! I've heard about classes in the area but don't really want to cough up $300 bones to share ideas. I'd rather learn from someone who wants to share instead of bill me for a lesson.

Any suggestions?


The main reason for the cost is that we are bringing in someone from half way across the country to do the classes. As to inexpensive, the next best answer is the classes on Saturdays at Tandy. Depending on the week classes range from free to $80 a 4 hour class. Sometimes I have 10 people show up and sometimes no one shows up, it is pretty hit and miss. This Fall there will be a leather show in Pendleton. They will have classes, usually about $150 a day, depending on the class and the teacher. Aaron


As to other thoughts, Eugene has a pretty large group. Not sure what they do or how often. Also, there is a very large group in the Seattle area, they meet regularly. Not sure how much they charge.

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i'm not saying that the $300 wouldn't be money well spent. I honestly believe it most likely is! I just prefer to get my info the old fashioned way by sharing. I'm not really looking to pay anyone to teach me anything. I prefer a much more direct process and I have to believe that is out there. Someone will want their art to continue with or without them. I am one of those people. I could teach about photography but would much rather show you for free. Thanks for the info though electrathon. I just wish there was more of a DIY response rather than a marketing response.

Great tips! I'll check into those places for a guild of sorts. Thanks!

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I am one that believes in both ways of learning. We do need a Guild in the Portland area. I would love to support one but I don't have the time or resources to be the contact person. I would help in providing printed material and other needed items. What we need is someone to step up and be the person to schedule a meeting date, location and time. Some one to be available to return calls and emails, to answer questions and general information until we can get the Guild established and more permanent people in place. A Guild can provide possible discounts on purchases, general information on techniques, assistance in bringing in top quality instructors, and place to share. I would also like to see more done in working with the fairs in our area to include more in leather crafting and to show case our local talent.

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I would be interested in a guild and would also offer to help in its forming. As far as how or where I can't really help with that as I have never started a group before. I do however think that there are plenty of local artists that wouldn't have to be flown half way across the country making classes cost so much. I bet there are people right here in portland with just as much knowledge, maybe just not notoriety that would be willing to help/teach. And depending on the interest they could weigh wether it is worth it or not to do it again. I think that with any group or guild it would be a learning process that would either grow into a great thing or defunk with little risk or cost to any individual. I am going to contact other guilds in other parts of the country and see if they have any suggestions for starting a guild. I'll post responses here if I get any.

I wonder if we couldn't speak with a school or a church or someplace that is under utilized in the evenings or has off days. Maybe this would allow for cheap space or possibility for service trade for space. (Say the church needs leatherwork)

I am also going to start a new topic with a Poll to see how many prospective people would have interest in a Portland area Guild. Feel Free to share the link on other networking sites.

Great thoughts Treed! I agree there has to be a contact person. I wouldn't mind helping but I couldn't do it alone. :)


A asked Tana about meeting on Tuesday evenings at Tandy a while back and she told me not till fall. I brought this up again today and she said we could likely try this starting in September. It would basically be an informal hang out evening where we could all work on projects. Not a class night, but open to everyone learning. Hours would be from 6-9 and we would have to be out so she could lock the door at 9 sharp. Everything very tentative, but I took a step forward on this. Any other input or better ideas? Aaron

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That's a great start! I think that sounds like a terrific idea! An informal setting would be really cool!

  • 2 weeks later...
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Sorry I have not been home and no internet in the mountains.......someone set a date and place and I will do the advertising for it...... best to probably start in Oct to get time to get the word out....outside activities are dying down....

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