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Here are a couple more holsters/rigs that I completed. The first photo is another antiqued rig I just finished. The second photo is a Slim Jim style holster for a 5" Schofield. I made it to match a rig that the customer already purchased from me. The third photo is of the rig that I made the matching holster for.





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Thanks very much.

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Pretty darn nice Frank.

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Always like your stuff Frank....absolutely love the color on that antiqued holster.

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Very nice Frank! I really like the lines of your work. Something about the shapes you make and the borders you use makes for very balanced and period correct looking gun leather. The coloring, fit and finish are all top shelf as well. Thanks for sharing!


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Thanks Matt and Josh. I really like making the antiqued rigs. They'll never be as good as Chuck Burrow's rigs but they are still a lot of fun to do.

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