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I Really, Really, Really Want To Trade!

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Try as I have- I went ahead and bought a 3/8" straight blade after using a 1/4 ceramic angled for over 20 years. I was convinced by a number of masters here that I should take the plunge and learn how to use one.

I really tried, but can't get the turns and curves that I want without undercutting or "scraping" the surface when I make turns.

I would love a steel blade of quality but want a straight 1/4 (or hollow ground if they even make one)

Anyone have one that they would trade for a sharp, Jesse Smith hollow ground 3/8???????


I will pay postage if that's a concern- can't be a buck or two at the most.

Please rsvp


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pete, i went thru a bunch of stuff that i got from a teacher. there is a hollow ground 1/4 in straight blade in there, in a barrel. i do not kinow the quailty but you can have it if you want it. i would need your address.

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I would really appreciate it! Send me a pm and well settle up!

Thanks so much


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Not sure if I am too late to this, but I thought that would at least make the offer.

Would you be willing to let me rework the blade for you? I have had success making these new ceramics cut much nicer. I also outlined a DIY method for doing exactly that without spending fortune on equipment, too. Hopefully you can see what I am talking about in the pictures that I have in there.

The primary issue is, these new ceramic blades are not polished in any way after grinding the bevels and it leaves them rough and ready to grab at everything you try to cut. It takes a little elbow grease, but the results are a very smooth and shiny bevel with an edge that'll shave.

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