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Here are two 5/8" latigo/ roo buttons.


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I should have written more description. If my wife didn't post the Pics, you'd have to come here to look!! They are braided over 5/16th Riata for cores. The nosebuttons are 28 strand, the bodies 12 strand. On the left, 11 1/4" inside, the other 11". I've built 8 out of that one side and think I can get another 2 more.( 7-12 stranders and 1 8 strander). Thanks, Brad

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Brad, great looking work. Buck

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Thanks everyone. Megabit, if you're still going to Carmel Valley Ranchers Roundup in the middle of Sept., bring some $ you've got buried! I'm setting up a table FULL of braided Bosals and Hackamores and other necessary items that you might need, excuse me, do need. Brad

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That's really nice work.


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