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I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting this here but I thought it should be said.

A couple of days ago I was browsing the web, looking for more information on electric machines, (Cobra's to be specific), and came across a place in southern California called "Leather Machine Co. Ltd.." Let me first say this isn't an ad, nor do I work for this company.

I spoke (via email) to a very nice gentleman by the name of Dave, about the Cobra Class 3 and 4 machines, and he seemed to be very knowledgeable about them.

The point of this post is to say that this would be one of the first places I'd go if I was looking for a machine of that type. He was extremely helpful, but more over, he was also very kind. He really made me feel comfortable, and I thought that since the Leatherworker.net forum is the place that speaks volumes about sewing machines, and other related equipment, that it would be a good place to mention that there are good vendors out there.

I'm certain there are other excellent people in the business also, but this is one that really stood out for me.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope it helps someone someday.


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ummmm...i think these are the folks yur talkin about...but they're in canada...lol..i recently bought a used class 4...love the machine....love the support from the manufacturing team


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Actually, I think they (or at least their warehouse) are Ontario California, not Ontario Canada. I passed through Ontario California on I-15 when traveling from Provo UT to San Diego some years back.

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Winter bear is right Leather Machine company is in California, I have been to there facility and met Steve. Matchlock, they are great people to deal with, Steve Tayrien (aka Cobra Steve) will go out of his way to talk you through steps to get your machine operating the way you want it if you are having problems. The Cobra 4 is a great machine.

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Hi, and thank you for your comment. I know for a fact they are in California (around San Diego actually) because I just purchased a Cobra Class 4 machine from them and it's on its way here to Canada.


ummmm...i think these are the folks yur talkin about...but they're in canada...lol..i recently bought a used class 4...love the machine....love the support from the manufacturing team


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rite on...enjoy n makes lotsa $ with it :)

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Hello and thanks for the nice comment. By the sound of things I think I'm going to enjoy this machine.


rite on...enjoy n makes lotsa $ with it :)

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Since I started this thread on "nice people" I would like to add, that the Tippmann company in Fort Wayne, Indiana is absolutely top notch to deal with.

A short while ago I purchased a Tippmann Boss machine and $300.00 worth of accessories. It turned out that because of severe arthritis in my hands and fingers, it was simply too difficult for me to operate. The stitching arm isn't difficult for the average person to operate, but my arthritis just won't allow me to do it comfortably.

I contact Mr. Tippmann directly and although it was just outside the "Full Refund" policy of 30 days, Mr. Tippman said that if I returned the machine within two weeks he would issue me a full refund.

I couldn't believe my good fortune and so off it went back to the Tippmann Co. this morning.

I hope that if anyone needs a machine like this that they'll give the Tippman Co. a look. Their customer service is excellent and their entire operation is absolutely A-1.

Thank you Mr. Tippman, and if every company in North America operated the way your company operates, we couldn't have it any better.

Thank you.


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