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Lost On Adding Interweaves

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So I want to throw in some extra color on my failed attempt at a quirt. But its not working. Like too many strands looks bunched up will it look better when I roll it? I want to throw it in the middle of my handle forwhatever reason pictures wont load. Any advice

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For whatever reason my phones not allowing me to upload these photos....its a new phone and I dont own a computer but if someone can just explain how I would ad an interweave that would be great...if I can describe my problem its acting like theres not enough room meaning I have no gaps to fill so should I have dropped my working strands into the core or should I have built up on my core where I wanted to add my interweave?

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I may have this wrong, but it sounds like you have completed a long pineapple & want to add color to it. Typically interweaves are done one of two ways. Either to fill areas that are larger ( over buttons, swelled areas of nosebands, ect.) or as the last pass of your button. If you have complete coverage you can either pull your final pass & replace it with color or do another full pass, for instance if you finished with an over two under two, go to over three under three ( this will make it larger). If your trying to go between something with full coverage it will probably crowd it too much, ther are ways to put in thin strands or some use horse hair, but I can't give a good explanation of the steps. Hope this helps, I'll be interested to see what others think on this as well. Buck

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The way I was taught is an interweave although is pretty is soley to take up room on a knot without proper coverage. Thats not saying that sometimes you just want to add one. I do. I normally use a very thin strand, down to 1/16" when the knot is already full but not crowded. It takes a smaller needle and a lot of fid work. It does tend to look crowded while doing the interweave, but once done a bit more fid work and a good roll help a lot. A rounded core will make it easier to do a center section interweave.

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Yeah its just crowded because my 8 strand round braid covers my core good so its just bunched up maybe a good role will help...its my first project and it looks horrible but ill post pictures when I can figure this phone issue out. u gotta start somewhere I guess

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