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George B

Have To Make "doc Holiday" Any Tips?

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Hello Everyone,

not sure if anyone can give me advice on this, but figured it didn't hurt to ask.

I had a customer come to the shop with a copy of El Paso Saddlery catalog and ordered a Doc Holiday rig for his Ruger Super Black Hawk.

I'm sure I can reverse engineer it but would appreciate any tips or things to avoid from those who have made them.

It is the model that totally encloses the revolver and uses two straps to keep it slung closer to the chest.

My questions are pretty basic.

Buckle placement for the straps?

Best positions for the tabs where the holster attaches to keep the revolver from wanting to pull away from the body?

Is there any strap to the belt that I cannot see in the pics available?

I do not need a pattern just an idea of the basic design.

Any advice is appreciated,



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Is it the Huckleberry rig he wore in the movie Tombstone?

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If I am not mistaken it is not the Tombstone rig. Instead of the standard shoulder harness it uses the strap over the opposite shoulder and another that runs parallel to the belt around the back. It is the one pictured at the top of the page in the catalog.

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This one?

Yep, that's the one. I have the basic design figured out, just trying to figure out the best way to attach the three way attachment at the back of the holster.


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George I know you said you don't need a pattern, however I have a couple of patterns that show a couple of different ways to handle the straps in back. If you don't want the whole pattern I will atleeast send you the part that shows the attachment in back. If you want info on how the back attachments are done PM me with your email address.


Edited by camano ridge

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