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Colt Hammerless

Is This Possible (Thumb Break Question)

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I have a customer who wants a thumb break holster for a 1911. I know he wants to use the holster for a couple of his 1911s. The problem is the main gun that the holster will be carrying has a single sided thumb safety. The other guns he wants to carry in there have ambi safeties. If I make the strap to fit the ambi safety, I wonder how loose the strap will be when he's carrying the gun with the single safety. Is it loose enough to matter? This will be the first thumb break holster I've made.


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On a 1911 w/thumb break, . . . I put the strap dead across the back of the slide, . . . in front of the hammer.

If it was me, . . . I'd make it just a "good" fit for the single safety weapon, . . . and he can stretch it over for the others.

He can take the biggest one, . . . snap it over on it, . . . leave it over night, . . . it should stretch, . . . and if you did the normal amount of leather on the holster, . . . I would not think there would be any kind of problem.

May God bless,


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Thanks Dwight. I was planning on putting the strap around the back of the slide between the slide and hammer, like you mentioned. It sounds like after stretching for the ambi safety, it won't be as tight on the single safety gun. Don't see any way around that, so guess I don't have a choice. I'll make sure he's aware of that.


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