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Big Papa Leather

Carved Koi Attempt

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Hello all,

Here is an attempt at carving a koi. I really nned to invest in a couple bevelers and other tools. This was all done with a swivel knife, pear shader and a figural shader. One day I'll get the right tools (maybe tomorrow) LOL.

I chose too dark a stain and the scales do not show as much as I would have liked.

It is a practice piece so if you critique be gentle. Ha HA

Also I went really small. Maybe I should try to do designs a bit larger?

Next time I think I'm also going to cut the scales then tap them with the pear shader to get more texture.

Week 3 and I am definatley hooked.




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Proper bevelers and backgrounders will do a world to improve your work....Everything will look much more defined and the detail much crisper. My first Koi was nothing to look as but they improved.

My latest koi is on my site there is link at the far left side of the home page.

It too is very small. so you can see what proper tools and practice will do.

Keep at it, you're doing fine.

David Theobald

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i have followed the Koi Dragon seat and think it is awesome.

I will be buying more tools soon. What I have is a small bunch

of hodge podge stuff that has no real direction (as far as tools)

I will be getting bevelers and backgrounders soon.


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That's hella amazing for the tools you're using. I really dig the look and the use of the pear shader for scales. Freakin genius i tell ya !

This Sat. is , 2008 Ride for Life, motorcycle ride from Dallas to Burnett, TX benefitting pregnancy resource centers.

HopeForTheHeart.org . I'm not sure the exact location, but i'm pretty sure i've got a few old tandy bevels laying around here i can thrown in a bag and get one of those cats to carry with them.

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Thanks for the offer Freak. Unfortunately I will be in Austin on Saturday. My daughter has a 3 meter diving training session at UT Saturday. We usually end up there all day.

I will be investing some $$$ in tools soon.


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