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Hey All,

I got Bob Parks book in the mail and read through it. So I decided I would try my hand at the whole design aspect of it...this is what I came up with. The first Pic is one I posted on a FB page and got some great feed back then I added some more which is the second pic. If you have any critiques feel free.



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I would say not bad at all. My only critiques could be just a matter of style. First, I think you have too much background in your design, but that may be your style and the effect you want. I also think your flowers look small in comparison to your circles, but again that may be the style you are looking for. Also from a flow standpoint, the flow around the lower left corner and the center flower seems to cross over itself in a figure eight. Generally people try to avoid this sort of cross over, but again that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it if that's the effect you were looking for. Or maybe I'm just mis-interpreting what you've drawn there at that cross over.

I would recommend defining your border around the floral area. On the bottom it looks like the leaves are going lower than the floral elements, like they are falling off the design.


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thanks Bob, I'll take a look at that and I plan on doing another one hopfully a little better

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You're on the right track with your designs. Keep practicing on flowing your lines into the circle without abrupt turns, practice on more graceful lines. Also, keep your stems flowing in the same direction. The circle on the extreme right has stems or leaves going in opposite directions. I couldn't make out where you attached the flowers to your stems. You need to practice on the transition from stems to the flowers and buds. I don't remember all of Bob's book, but I think that he mentioned "C"s and "S"s. These are the two shapes used in creating stems and flower designs. When you find yourself boxed into a corner with your design, go back to the basics: "C"s and "S"s. As a novice tooler, I often go back to the basics when stumped. One last suggestion, stems of flowers flow out from a central point. So your lines should all flow into a centerline. This centerline will not be on your finished product, but should always be visialized in your mind to keep your work flowing.

Keep on practicing, you're on the right track.


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well I did another one I dont know if its any better or not though...

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