Members tonyc1 Posted September 27, 2008 Members Report Posted September 27, 2008 I suppose all you blokes are glued to the tv watching the debate instead of working!!! Pollies always know how to spoil your day, don't they? Tony. Quote
Contributing Member TwinOaks Posted September 27, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 27, 2008 I suppose all you blokes are glued to the tv watching the debate instead of working!!! Pollies always know how to spoil your day, don't they?Tony. There's a debate? Really? I guess I need to plug the TV back in. It's all that digital swapover thing; I'm just getting used to not watching any of it. Quote
Members tonyc1 Posted September 27, 2008 Author Members Report Posted September 27, 2008 There's a debate? Really? I guess I need to plug the TV back in. It's all that digital swapover thing; I'm just getting used to not watching any of it. It only went for a miniscule 90 minutes though!!! I think they only stopped for one breath though. Quote
Contributing Member TwinOaks Posted September 27, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 27, 2008 It only went for a miniscule 90 minutes though!!! I think they only stopped for one breath though. So....I take it they had a lot to say, huh? Quote
Members wildrose Posted September 27, 2008 Members Report Posted September 27, 2008 I dvr'd it (loving dvr - first time we've had it! no more videotaping!) so I've not watched it yet. This way I can fast forward any bickering...hmm...I guess I might as well not watch it at all, huh? LOL! I read in the paper this morning that there didn't seem to be a clear winner in the debate anyhow. I am glad they went ahead and did it. I am hoping to learn a little more about each candidate than their attacks on each other's records... Quote
Ian Posted September 27, 2008 Report Posted September 27, 2008 This election has been going on so long, and everyone has had their say OVER AND OVER AND OVER, that surely there's nothing more to debate Quote
Contributing Member Jordan Posted September 27, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 27, 2008 Watched it was not impressed, It just reaffirmed my poor opinion of politico's and lawyers. I think if you want your money they took to go to the rich vote republican, if you want your money they took to go to the poor vote democrat. Given my current state of financial sparseness I guess I am a democrat now. Quote
Members okiwen Posted September 27, 2008 Members Report Posted September 27, 2008 Was that the poor that try to go to work and improve themselves or the poor that stay at home with a hand and cup out that you were referring to? I think that I am neither Democrat nor Republican but a Constitutional Conservative. Neither of the parties mentioned have MY best interests in mind. Quote
Members JRedding Posted September 27, 2008 Members Report Posted September 27, 2008 (edited) What a choice, the lesser of two evils, HMMMMMM!!!!!! I'm seeing one candidate who already said he doesn't want to choose sides ( shouldn't the president be on our side ? and who's the other side he's talking about ? ) and another that if a nap isn't already the focus of his afternoon it will be before his term is up. ( no disrespect intended to the elderly, just my obversation ) Edited September 27, 2008 by JRedding Quote
Contributing Member Jordan Posted September 27, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 27, 2008 The definition of poor is way up in the air, politicians seem to have one that is based on their reality, the poor working class another, and then there are the poor by choice that spend most of their energy finding the next handout. Why is it that the politicians have the best free medical care in the world and give themselves raises every year?, while most working class people cannot afford the medication that will keep them alive? Look, I spent most of the past 45 years working my self to the point I could no longer do it and live. It took me 3 years and every penny I had plus a bankruptcy due to medical bills, to fight the government for the social security disability benefits that I others of the working class have paid for all these years. So yes, I now consider myself to be in the poor working class segment of this society although I can no longer work. And it is very disconcerting to me that having never taken a handout in my life, I am now one of those that the majority of people in this country think are just out to get a free ride, when the real bums are the ones who have the keys to the asylum and are running it into the ground. Oh, but don't worry they will all walk away rich at the taxpayers expense. Depressingly bitter huh? Quote
Members wildrose Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 I have to say I'm finding myself agreeing with what I'm reading here. I stopped at the candidate's local headquarters and got yard signs for McCain/Palin so my family (and esp. my husband) wouldn't disown me...but I'm honestly not sure who I'll choose come election day. My mother in law, who is in her upper 60's, has expressed a great deal of concern about McCain's age, and a close friend of mine said, what if something happens and Palin becomes president? Well, I think she seems like a likeable mom, but not who I want as Prez. Now we have Obama on the other hand, and he's just a bit too slick for my liking. Lesser of two evils seems to hit the nail on the head. Sad since it seemed there were a lot of good choices early on in the primaries! Quote
Members whinewine Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 My mother in law, who is in her upper 60's, has expressed a great deal of concern about McCain's age, and a close friend of mine said, what if something happens and Palin becomes president? Well, I think she seems like a likeable mom, but not who I want as Prez. Palin just out-and-out scares me. When she makes a statement like "the PALIN-Mccain ticket" I'm thinking to myself 'John, if you get elected, you'd better hire yourself your own personal food taster, just in case.' She's dumb she's clueless but she's ruthlessly ambitious, and in a position of power that combination makes her one scary person. Quote
Ian Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 Palin just out-and-out scares me. When she makes a statement like "the PALIN-Mccain ticket" ...but she's ruthlessly ambitious, and in a position of power that combination makes her one scary person. Interesting that gaffs by one's own party are always chalked up to nervousness or fatigue (of which Obama and Biden have had plenty) but gaffs by the oposition are seen as indicative of low intelligence. As far as ruthless ambition, I can see plenty of that in the Hollywood productions of Mr. Obama. But, having said that, polititians are polititians - a more self serving, low achieving group of individuals can't be found in any other segment of the population, unless you count organized crime. And, that goes for both parties. Quote
Members tonyc1 Posted September 28, 2008 Author Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 Interesting that gaffs by one's own party are always chalked up to nervousness or fatigue (of which Obama and Biden have had plenty) but gaffs by the oposition are seen as indicative of low intelligence. As far as ruthless ambition, I can see plenty of that in the Hollywood productions of Mr. Obama. But, having said that, polititians are polititians - a more self serving, low achieving group of individuals can't be found in any other segment of the population, unless you count organized crime. And, that goes for both parties. Not just in your country either, Ian. Quote
Members whinewine Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 Interesting that gaffs by one's own party are always chalked up to nervousness or fatigue (of which Obama and Biden have had plenty) but gaffs by the oposition are seen as indicative of low intelligence. And, BTW, what stands out for me about Biden after all these years, is his plagerism. Needless to say, I'm nowhere a Biden fan, either (I detest those who try to credit others' words as their own= Plagerist! ). So trust me, I'm not picking on poor Sarah. It's simply: she's stupid she's clueless she's ruthlessly ambitious and that combination makes for one scary individual if put in a major position of power. I'm no fan of the candidates of either party, but I WILL vote! Quote
ArtS Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 Boy, I thought I was alone in not like the choices. I thought I should stay out of this topic but I can't. Each election the choices get worse. I guess as I get older it also becomes clearer that it really makes no difference. They all sit down to dinner together afterwards and have a good laugh at our expense. The rich people and big companies (and I mean filthy rich) run this country and run the world. We are not a part of it nor have any say in it. We barely have a peek into their world enough to fully understand it. Whoever is in power will answer to the money - period. If you're not filthy rich your plight will get worse - we can count on that. This site is a good example of how real people around the world do get along. It's our politicians that drawn lines in the sand. They make their choices, not what is best for the people, but what is best for big business. That is the same no matter what type of government that you have. I believe we're heading into some really, really bad times, that those of us alive have never seen yet. Again, the common people will be the ones that suffer. The world is in a sad state today and it is because of the greed of individuals, companies and governments. People care more about themselves and nothing for others. I have no problem with someone being rich - I would love to be cursed by it myself, but with it comes responsibilities and a sense of humanity which you should always have. That's why we have huge companies going broke and people loose their life savings while the top executives drift off into excessive luxury. Governments don't attack other countries to help people (no matter what they may say) the underlying cause is always money. Politicians have talked for years about how they will help us with the medical situation. People have to decide on buying food or buying the medicine that they need. During this whole time the politicians argue over pennies while they, after even spending only one term in office, are set for life with the best medical plan that you can get, for free. Well I say free, we're paying for it. Sorry to go on so. To me we're in a sad state of affairs and lack good choices. I'll vote for the better of the two evils. For me, so far, it's still McCain. At least his wife is in the right business -beer! Maybe I'll write in the name of the only person I always agree with - me. Art Quote
Hilly Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 Face it folks, no matter who gets in, we're all screwed. Maybe the government will issue jars of Vaseline next. Quote
Ian Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 (edited) Maybe I'll write in the name of the only person I always agree with - me. Art That was my thinking too The biggest reason we don't get decent people who come from the real world (as our form of government was originally intended to be) is simply : who in their right mind would want to be - along with their families - ripped apart every day for years? So, instead of true representation, we get meglomaniac rock stars and ancient career polititians - both who live and die on the adulation and money of the celebrity, money and power hungry obsession of the American public. The only reason I'm voting this year is, because I'm lucky enough to live in the People's Republic of Massachusetts and I get to vote against John Kerry - again! We also have a ballot question to end the state income tax. You should see the thieving polititians sweating over that one. It's a hoot! Yes, Art, we are just flies on the wall watching them do whatever they want. It's an illusion that we actually have any say Edited September 28, 2008 by Ian Quote
ArtS Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 Hilly, I'm getting sore from both the politicians and businesses like my company (I won't say who they are but their name starts with AT&_ LOL). THey need to switch to K-Y jelly I think. I'm not even getting kissed! Ian, Absolutely right. Politics was NOT supposed to be a career! You serve a term and then go back to your farm or business. I don't trust ANYONE who wants a career in politics. Art Quote
Members Bobby Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 Well, on this topic...guess everyone needs to too The 'Debate' for me confirmed that I will be voting independent ( Nader, Paul, Barr, doesn't matter) I've had a belly full of settling for the 'lesser' of two evils....enough speaking with forked tongue..... Example: a popular quote Spending 10 billion dollars monthly on this war when we have serious domestic issues... ridiculous. We are not 'spending' 10 billion a month - We are 'borrowing' 10 billion a the name of 'We don't have any choice, it's national security'..If the war stops tommorrow - congress will 'NOT' borrow that much money for domestic's not a high enough priority.......especially since we're going to borrow 700 billion to bail out the thieves on Wall St. That's not to say the Iraq war should continue......I just don't think anyone should hold their breath or believe that if the war stops, we're going to have tons of money to fix domestic issues...........or even the money to support the plans of either candidate, since neither could answer what they were going to cut as a result of this bailout. Yes, it can be called ...'being a spoiler'......well guess what McCain/ of you will lose by less than the margin of people that vote independent because you refused to address the issues of the people like immigration, energy independance, know ...things that don't require tons of money...just incentives and leadership. We desperately need a third party in this country to challenge this 'do-nothing' two party system...and maybe if enough people 'spoil' it for them, my grandchildren might reap some benefit. OK....I feel a little returning to better things...that being....the learning and following the awesome & talented ideas of leather working folks in this forum Quote
ArtS Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 Good points Bobby. My buddy at work is voting for Barr. We discuss this almost every day. We do need a STRONG third party. I'm just afraid as the third party grew the money people would step in and we'd have 3 bad choices. Barr is sounding good. Art Quote
Contributing Member Jordan Posted September 28, 2008 Contributing Member Report Posted September 28, 2008 Reminds me of a little episode from High School. There was a small group of people that were tired of the 2 party system of student government and were motivated enough to form a 3rd. we called it the Duck Party, long story short after many trials and tribulations, threats of expulsion and physical violence, we were after all just a bunch of long haired hippie upstarts out to destroy the american way of life. But with the forward thinking of some of the science and history teachers, in the classroom and in upper management meetings, we were able to vote da bums out! The party won every office except the president of the student body.(star quarterback of course). 1st thing organized was a concert with Big Brother & the Holding Company and the Elvin bishop show. It really benefited a lot of students in learning the finer points of political organizing and the legal processes in our form of government. Much better than reading some droll book on the subject in class. Ahhh.... if it were only that simple these days,,,, not a chance, what with the money, power, corruption, and sheer size involved, it was after all the early seventies and earthday was a brand new idea too. Peace. Quote
Schno Posted September 28, 2008 Report Posted September 28, 2008 a position of power that combination makes her one scary person. I've liked McCain since I first saw him in a town hall meeting back in the early nineties. I was relieved that he won the Republican primaries. Even though I lean socially left, I lean fiscally right, so McCain was my choice for this year. Then he chose Sarah Palin. Now there is not a chance that I'd vote for him. Palin would make Bush seem reasonable! If she gets the Oval Office, I'm moving in with Ray in England! Quote
Members okiwen Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 she's stupid blink.gif she's clueless blink.gif she's ruthlessly ambitious red_bandana.gif and that combination makes for one scary individual if put in a major position of power. ranting2.gif Hillary already lost to Obama. You can move on now. A bit over the top don't ya think? Quote
Members wildrose Posted September 28, 2008 Members Report Posted September 28, 2008 LOL! Thanks for the humor! Sooooo true. Hillary really did have a ruthless streak (still does, I'm sure). Quote
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