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It is a SW1911 3" Pro Series 45. As y'all have seen, I've only made a couple holsters, those seen with the exotic inserts, and I will eventually make myself one out of stingray to match the pistol. What I want now is a IWB small of the back comfortable holster for this beauty. There have been a couple of guys who left feedback (Thanks by the way) showing concern about ease of draw with my designs. I know it's individual taste for comfort, but is there a standard I should be adhering to? I can only look at so many pictures before my head explodes. Anyone care to share a tried and true pattern with a long time crafter, but rookie holster maker? I have access to just about any leather imaginable (I work in the industry) so don't limit ideas to materials. Thanks in advance.




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You might find that a "grip down" SOB holster may be more ergonomic.

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I don't think I have seen one of those.

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grip down SOB is a good way to shoot yourself through the spleen, or at least muzzle yourself with each draw stroke. Most reputable makers wont even consider such a design.

Posted (edited)

grip down SOB is a good way to shoot yourself through the spleen, or at least muzzle yourself with each draw stroke. Most reputable makers wont even consider such a design.

+1000 NEVER place the gun is such a way that when you draw it the gun barrel points toward your body.

This is the wrong way for a right hand draw. The gun sweeps across your torso as you pull it.


If you are going to carry SOB, and I refuse to make them for several reasons all safety, then wear it this way or grip up.


This way the barrel sweeps down and between your torso and arm as you draw and aim.

Edited by mlapaglia
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No one with a pattern? Would really like to build first day of the year.

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Posted (edited)

FWIW, . . . I am one who also will not make that style holster.

When I am asked, . . . I just tell em fall down once, . . . land on that pistol, . . . for the rest of your life you will be wondering how to carry your pistol on your wheel chair.

I have fallen on my back at 69 years of age at least 50 times more than I have been in gun fights.

Consider rather, . . . a deep cover IWB, . . . with a severe cant of about 35 or so degrees. I can personally attest that it is comfortable, . . . easy to draw, . . . and generally secure.

Since you already are competent at making a pancake, . . . simply add straps to the ears, . . . put the whole thing insice your pants, . . . pull the straps up over the top and down around your belt, . . . voila, . . . "Snapcake".

Oh, . . . BTW, . . . you need to take Santa out for dinner, . . . that is one NICE looking pistol. If it shoots in your hands as good as it looks in the box, . . . you're in tall cotton.

May God bless,


Edited by Dwight
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Thanks guys. I have pretty well given up on that other idea. An IWB at the same of the back will probably work. I have been drooling over some you have both posted so will probably "try" to copy those. This is not an item that will be for sale , its just for me.

I have wanted a compact 1911 for a long time, the reviews were really good for this one, and when I went to the gun show and tried different models this was more comfortable in my hands than even the Kimbers I looked at. At a mere 22oz it lends very well to concealed carry. Just got to come up with the right holster.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year to you all.

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Congratulations on the beautiful gun. If I had to design a holster I would probably make a BBQ holster that will showcase the gun and holster. Hopefully you will find the design you are looking for.

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I had a couple come in yesterday and request exactly the same thing. After some discussions and demonstrations about why palm-in draw is safer than palm-out, they agreed.

It's not precisely a pattern, but this thread contains some photos that show how I do a stitched-in sight channel on one of my IWB designs. You can certainly get the information needed to build the holster from the photos.



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