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Can These Gloves Be Fixed?

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Here's a mistake I'll never make again!

Ya'll know how cold its been, and while breaking for a few minutes, I left my gloves sitting in front of a portable heater. Well, apparently they were too close because when I came back, there were a couple of dime sized liquid spots where the leather hardened and the dye had pooled/turned liquid.

Now those spots are pretty hard and inflexible :( :( It makes the gloves uncomfortable to wear. Is there a way to soften or stretch those spots to get them as back close to normal as they used to be?

Lesson learned! I'll never do that again!!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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along with a little bit of oil you might try a product like skidmores leather cream I have used it on old dried gun belts and it has done wonders. What you need to try to do is get some nutrient back into the leather.

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Yes, the technical term is you dried the &!@! out of the leather. By the way don't expect the problem to be fixed right away rub on the oil or leather treatment and go away for a day. Give the oil or leather treatment a chance to migrate through the leather.

Edited by camano ridge

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