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This is a holster for a Ruger revolver that I have put together over the past three days. It is a practice one because I have a sneaking suspicion I measured wrong and it has ended up too small in the width, for the customers pistol. I will find out today when he brings it back for a test fit. I think it turned out well and if it is the wrong size it was good practice as I have not made this style before. It started out as a pattern for a law dog by Will Ghormley, I still need to incorporate a retention strap to hold it against the bib and a thumb strap for the hammer. If it works then it is time to start the cartridge belt of the set.





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It looks good Jordan!


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I like it. I hope it does fit, because that looks like a lot of work.

Edited by BOOMSTICKHolsters

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My suspicion was right I was off by 1/4 to 1/2 inch in the opening and cylinder area. The Ruger 44 mag was thicker in the cylinder area and wider between the sight and the trigger guard than I originally figured. Sooo.... I made a new pattern and paid extra close attention this time. I think the 1st one will fit another smaller cal. revolver just fine and the experience was worth it. Practice practice practice makes better. LOL. I'll get it right even if I to eat steak the rest of my days! :rofl::bike:

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Nice job Jordan!

Fine looking basketweave!

Measurements and figuring them out is a pain especially when you don't have the object to fit availabe to check with as you go along so good try anyways.


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Hey, great looking holster, too bad it won't fit the intended gun. I know how annoying that is. I have been using my PC lately to capture photos from the internet, from catalogs, or other sources. The info, usually includes the overall length, or some other dimension that I can identify. I then use Photoshop Elements or other photo program to enlarge the photo and use the rulers on screen until I get that dimension right. Then, I print out a full sized print, and I at least have everything but the width dimensions. It's not perfect, but it helps keep me out of trouble, at least some times. John

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That's a FINE holster! Basketweave is nice and straight ... That's my next project... holster for an old .38 long barrel.....

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May just be me, but couldn't you add a welt to the top of the holster and make it fit the revolver? Just a thought; that's a nice looking holster you made.

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Silly me, built another one proper size but made the classic mistake of rushing and this morning I went into the shop looked at it and realized I made a lefty. Third times the charm as they say. :rofl:

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Great job Jordan,

Both look good and great job on the basket weaving and edging.

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