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hi guys,

i am working through my first project where i'm doing a good amount of hand-stitching.

the stitching is turning out nicely; i don't really have any problems there.

however... i did have quite a bit of trouble in the beginning with the 'stitching needles' i got from tandy (linked below). they're much, much too big and i snapped 8 needles (8 needles to do about 12 stitches!) before giving up on them.


i went to fabricland (which is a fabric and sewing supply store here in canada) and bought a few packs of needles in the hopes of finding a good size.

luckily i did find one (shown in attached image) that is a better size for what i'm doing. using these needles i did about a hundred saddle stitches without any trouble.

problem is: i don't really know what size/type of needle i've got! based on the packaging i would guess the pack i bought has needles in sizes 3-9 (and probably i was using a size 3) but not sure.

can anyone take a guess at what size/type of needle i've picked? :blink: and also i've you could share a supplier for quality needles? i don't really want to keep buying these 'variety packs' of needles when i really only want the one size.

thanks a lot!





You want to buy harness needles, they are available from many sources, Springfield Leather is where I get mine, but I do a lot of heavy stitching, They only have three sizes, some others have some smaller ones, but I like the heavy ones. This was discussed recently so a search for harness needles will turn up that post and there are several suggestions there for sources of varying sizes.


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thanks chief.

i did a search and found other threads dicussing the john james harness needless as well as different sizes.

there is also a link to a vendor http://www.fineleatherworking.com/ that sells these needles and will ship to canada (very nice 'needles only option') for $6.00.

thanks again for your help and suggestion!


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