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Montana Pitch Blend

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I am new to leatherwork so, my knowledge is very minimal. I just received a tub of Montana Pitch Blend today.( leather Dressing) I have been reading here an, it seems to be highly recommended for conditioning leather. What I'm wondering is, what is the best. I read that MPB is the best, Leather Honey is the best. Leather Milk is the best. I would like to know from people with more experience. What works the best and why in their opinion their choice is the best.

Thank you all

Dan :cowboy:

Edited by wlg190861

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I am fairly new to leather as well. I have found that everyone will have their favorite products for various reasons. I usually try to buy the smallest containers of the various products and try them myself. It is all going to come down to personal preference and experimenting.

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I use MLB it will darken your leather some.

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Ask 10 different leatherworkers and you will get 11 different answers. I try to avoid anything with petroleum products or silicone; I don't think they're any good for leather but can't prove it.

In England and Australia horse tack is traditionally treated with rendered animal fat to maintain suppleness and add water repellency; it works well and is/was cheap, but it takes many effort-laden applications to achieve a good result in raw leather and isn't always the kindest on the noses of more sensitive folk. (English or English-style 'bridle' leather, 'harness' leather, stirrup leather and suchlike have been curried with grease at the tannery.) I like to use dubbin I mix up myself from equal parts lamb tallow and cod oil, plus some beeswax.

About the only leather-care that everyone agrees on is to keep it clean, don't force-dry it and don't over-oil.

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