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Trifold Wallet

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Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the community and leather work in general. I've been playing around with making wallets, journal covers and a small bag for the past couple months and would like to make a trifold wallet, but wanted some clarification on the weights of leather that can be used.

Would a 3 oz veg tan leather be too heavy for a trifold? It seems like it might be pushing the limits a little. My second thought was to use a calf skin, but I was also thinking that would go a little too much on the thin side for what I was looking for.

Second question - will wetting the leather get the leather into the trifold shape that I'm looking for and still be able to open fully and be functional? Or should I just clamp the wallet shut for a day or two once it is finished?

I'm going for something of a classic biker wallet, without the chain hardware. A vertical card slot in the first and third folds, and a transparent ID slot in the middle fold, all while having a billfold function.

Thanks in advance!


Edited by Jason311

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Welcome Jason!

First off, let me preface this by saying I've never made a tri-fold wallet. I like leather carving and to me it seems hard to make a carved wallet with three folds that wouldn't be bulky.

If you are planning on carving the outside I would think 3oz would be a minimum for the outer piece. But for the interior parts that would be too thick. I carry a tri-fold wallet but it's made out of VERY thin chrome tan leather, and it still gets too bulky with stuff in it. Your interior pockets will need to be made with some very thin and flexible leather for it to work well.

For your second question, if I were using vegtan for the outer part of the wallet I would fold it into shape while it's damp so that it would take the fold. If you a more flexible chrome tan it will probably fold on it's own just fine.

Hope this helps. I'm sure someone else here that makes trifold wallets can give better answers.


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Thanks for the info. I figured it would be too thick. I think I'll try a pigskin lining with 2/3 oz outer - that should give plenty of flexibility as well.

Edited by Jason311

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I use 2-3 oz and never had an issue with it !!!

Ok, now thats not for an elegant wallstreet wallet, but a nice solid wallet last 20 plus years or so !!

I have done many of them and it works well...carving is possible in 2-3 oz but details are more shallow....interiour is made of pig skin lining or thin chrome tan...I use what I have laying around....wet the piece to carve and before it is almost dry...shape it lightly and when finished....fold closed and claped it lightly down in closed position...done !!


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