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Shooter McGavin

Sweat Absorption Vs Sweat Repelling Materials On Iwb

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A buddy of mine is moving to Ponce, Puerto Rico next month and asked me to make an IWB for his Taurus before he takes off.

He inquired about some sort of cloth to absorb the sweat, I told him that I though a sweat sponge attached to a holster was a bad idea.

He kind of agreed, then asked about something to repel the sweat.

Just wondering if the mindhive here has encountered anything similar and if so, what did you end up doing?

I dont see either option being all that great.


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The fellow at my local gun store swears by horse hide. It gets HOT here in Tucson, and he tells me that the horse hide wont absorb the sweat like bull hide.

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The backsides of all my IWB holsters get a double coating of Resolene as a deterrent to the sweat migration.

I've never had a problem myself, . . . nor had a customer complain.

I did toy one time with the idea of gluing and sewing a 10mil plastic sheet between two thin backside pieces, . . . it would protect the weapon from sweat migration, . . . but I never followed through on the idea, . . . so I don't know how or even if it would work.

May God bless,


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Moisture is a factor that will always be a concern with IWB-style carry. Perspiration is probably the primary source (along with salt and other mineral contents), and climate conditions including elevated temperatures and humidity can also be factors. Higher temperatures can produce more perspiration. Higher ambient humidity allows less evaporation will take place naturally.

Horsehide is typically more resistant to moisture infiltration than cowhide, however it is not impervious to moisture and will absorb some, although more slowly than cowhide will.

Anything utilized in holster construction that inhibits moisture infiltration will also tend to hold any moisture present inside the holster, so there may be unintended consequences involved with some methods or materials.

The best advice I can provide to IWB-style holster users is to remove the holstered handgun at the end of each day's use, remove the handgun and wipe it down with an oily rag or silicone treated cloth, and leave the holster in an area having good airflow to permit any moisture retained to evaporate away prior to the next use.

I do not know of anything that might be called a complete or ideal solution. Those who choose to use IWB-style holsters will just have to learn to deal with it.

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I think I will end up going with horsehide. Appreciate the input guys!

Puerto Rico has, difficult at best concealed carry laws form what he tells me. He already has one of my OWB's for this particular shooter but says that he cannot chance it accidentally becoming "exposed" while going about his daily routines. Dont know if he is 100% correct, or just worrying too much about the laws of his new location.

Either way, Im going to make him his IWB and hope it all works out.

Also Im sort of jealous. I love Puerto Rico. Especially the food.

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"Alien Gear Holsters are made with a beautiful, premium, incredibly comfortable 10-12 ounce drum dyed leather that is 100% sweat proof and water proof and will remain so for life. Others use 8 ounce leather and try to combat the sweat issue by selling you horse hide. For example, our leading competitor offers horse hide for a surcharge, but horse hide is not sweat proof. Theirs is not drum dyed and is not a comfy 10-12 ounce leather."


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For almost 4 years, I have been using the same sort of leather on my hybrids that Alien Gear uses on theirs.

It is unmoldable. Ive tried. Weaver has tried. Its not gonna happen.

It is very nice leather for hybrid backers though,

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I coat the 'skin side' of all of my IWB holsters with Angelus Water and Stain Repellent. I've never had any complaints, and I welcome them with my products.

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