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Hello hello, just want to say hello from Norway! :) Finally we are having some summer here up north of northern Norway! Lol.

I have been lurking around for some time now, and looking in yours gallery, of all those beautiful, magnificent, stunning things you guys can make! It's absolutely mindblowing the things you make! Beautiful beautiful, and I'm just a little bit envy of you ;)

well, now I've used all my leather in my tandy kit, and can't wait until I get some real leather to begin working on, but for 20 square feet 2,2mm tooling hide, 430 dollar.. I just like many of you, just have to save up some and wait, oh my oh my, all the waiting is pain, LOL, but waiting for something good is wort a good wait ;) -and then finally maybe I also can post in gallery like you! Training to acheeve skills like you! :D

Well, I'm a woman/girl living with my family up in the city called "The city of the polar cirkle" (polarcirkelbyen), we have here the glacier "Svartisen" translated to Black Ice/BlackGlacier. Myself I love horses, dogs, have now two Jack Russells, and when I'm not lurking around looking at all the beautifull things one can make out of leather, I do paint on canvas with acrylic, have done so for many many years. A bit of an artist, I like to call myself :) Lol!

Have a happy day all of you, and keep tooling, and creating incredible things out of leahter!

ps, pardon my english, I did say I'm from Norway? ;)

(picture of me and my old horse, back in my teens, in the middle of the summer, in the middle of the night! Sun's bearly down!



You did just fine in English.....Hello and welcome to the forum. Nice picture!

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Welcome! Twenty sq. ft. of leather is going to make a lot of projects, but that does seem very expensive....but then it is Norway....Good Luck...and don't be afraid to show us some of your artwork, it's not leather but we all appreciate talent, where ever it may be. Eccho....

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Welcome, to the best Leather site on the net.

Yeah we enjoy Leather, but as Echo says we enjoy art too !

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Nice to read something from another Norwegian!

I have learned a lot from this site. It's really great! I have leatherworking for a hobby. Even if I don't have artistic skills, I enjoy my hobby. - And: You really deserve the good weather up north; we've had summer for some time now in the southern parts.

Go Norway (or is it: go nowhere?) :thumbsup:

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Posted (edited)

Hello, and thanks you all for the happy welcoming :)

Hello to another nowhere-ian ;) LOL much fun having another from Norway welcoming!

I woud love to show some of my painting on canvas, but I can't figure out how to attatch pictures in reply-post......

I first found my love for leatherworking back in -00, when I took saddlemaking class 1 at Starum, (english type) but I as an young adult couldn't afford the tools needed, I took a long pause. And now I finally found back my interest and passion for it, almost forgotten it! And found this site, and found that leatherworking isn't only making standard saddles and tack, but so much more! So much in the artist way too! And I love it! I'm absolutely mesmerized!

I humble admire all of your work, som much amazing. :)

Have a happy day, we keep having warm weather here up north! :)

Eva from Norway.

Edited by Erystawi
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Welcome, from England! You found a great forum to learn about leatherwork. I've not made any tack yet buy my first piece will be a name band for a friends horse to go across the bridle (at least I think thats what its called). After that, Id like to learn more about making horse tack.

Enjoy the forum, I've learnt so much here. Ive not been to Norway yet but will be in Finland next month :)

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Hello from Norway, Oslo :) It seems I'm not alone having fun with leather "her på berget" :)

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Posted (edited)

Hello OdinUK, have fun making items for horses, so much variation to do! Have a great trip to Finland, beautiful there!

Hello Malchik, gøy at man treffer flere fra berget her :)

Eva from Norway

Edited by Erystawi
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How tough are customs in regards to importing leather and hides ,tools where you are ? Check out : www.goodsjapan.com .For hides check www.hidehouse.com they are in Napa California and ship far and wide . On face book check out Buffalo Girl she is in Australia I believe she goes on buying trips for her supplies . If I can be of any help just ask .

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Hello and thanks for the tips on leather tools and hides. Prises on hides has the most difference all over, but for tools, I kind of see that prises here are some similiar. Ofcourse when one add a big order, I will save money on each item, but for now I just have to do small orders... I can import where ever sends to Norway (but we have to add taxes when order comes over ca 33 dollars). Dyes are expensive here too, but I'm very pleased with the dye I'm used to, R.O.C lærfarge (R.O.C leatherdye), spiritbased. I found some small norwegian bisnisses who sell leather tools to very affordable prises (no-tandy ;) our biggest leatherplace sells almost only tandy tools, but on hides they get TOP quality, from tannerys in Norway and Sweden).

Thank you for the tips, would love to make myself bying trips, oh my! ;)

Have a happy day!


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Hello from Denmark. :)

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