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I have an older Singer clutch motor

105-125 volts

60 cycles

HP 1/2 PH. 1

model 9-996196-03 and it's going the wrong way for the machine I have

It also has a big singer transmitter instead of the usual on/off switch.

It has three wires, red, black, white and they're attached to the red, black, white (with green on black) to the motor.

How do I re-wire it to go in reverse?


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I don't know how to reverse the wiring, but I do know how to reverse the direction of the belt: twist it once into a figure 8! I did that on my Fortuna skiver's clutch motor. It reversed the direction and caused no trouble for the last year.

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As far as I remember on an AC motor you have to switch the 2 wires of the starting coil.

Don´t know how your motor is wired and if it has a capacitor nor not but when I work on our German Pfaff, WEG, or Kobold brand clutch motors (all set up with capacitors for 220V singe phase) you just have to switch one cable in the junction box.

But don´t ask me how this works on your certain motor, I´m not an electrician.

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This is how it works on the above mentioned clutch motor when run on 220V single phase with delta connection and capacitor - not sure if it looks the same on yours.


otherwise this Video should give you an idea:

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If the motor corresponds to most modern motors you should be able to just reverse your black and red leads. That SHOULD reverse the direction of the motor. White should be neutral, both black and red should be hot. You can check with a multimeter or even one of the "dummy" current checkers that you can get at your local hardware store similar to this: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Klein-Tools-Non-Contact-Voltage-Tester-NCVT-1/203578320

With the motor plugged in the black and red wires should have current and cause the tester to ping, white should not.

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