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Quite some time ago i came across and article / topic on the subject of molding a handle from small bits of scrap leather and glue. I can't for the life of me find it now, I have tucked away the reference somewhere and, as to be expected, can't find it anywhere.

The idea was to use shavings, scraps, dust and so on and build it up in layers, a bit like a concrete I suppose, till you got the required size and the sand it down to fit.

Now I could go and spend a week trying out different glues or whatever and making a right mess getting it all wrong, or I could ask here in the sure knowledge that someone will know what I am babbling on about!

Here's Hoping



A clear epoxy resin mixed with your leather and poured into a plastic pipe lined with a release agent should accomplish that.


A clear epoxy resin mixed with your leather and poured into a plastic pipe lined with a release agent should accomplish that.

That sounds interesting! I was hoping to use just what I have to hand rather than have to go out and buy something new, though I may have to do that if no one else is on the same wavelength as me.......

Thanks for the suggestion, Tree Reaper, but shouldn't you have suggested tree sap? :rofl:


tree sap is for pancakes.

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Posted (edited)

Claire, I too saw an article about using leather bits and some sort of glue. I thought I had saved it but can't find it. I will keep looking and get it to you if and when I find it.

Edited by bgentle
Posted (edited)

Thanks, Bgentle, I knew I wasn't dreaming!

Look forward to your finding it.


Found this so edited my post....

Using a Peter Main technique that I found in one of Tandy's books, I made this one using some Elephant skivings and natural calf lace scraps. I believe Peter makes his using edging trim scraps, but I wanted to do something different. It came out a bit spongy, but for my first time I am very happy.

Still no description if how its done. There was a picture but I don't know how to copy it to here.

Edited by ClaireAshton

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