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Since we got a new scanner, I lost my photo editing software that came with the old one. I've thus lost the ability to shrink/fit pictures as well as I could before. I need this picture to fit on a 9 x 4-1/2" space. Would someone please help me out by sizing it appropriately and sending it back to me by pm or email?

I can only get it in 4x6 or 5x7 size, and neither are quite right...I tried re-drawing it by hand, but that's tedious as I have to do the elements separately and I confess to being computer spoiled...



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Download this software. Be sure to also download and install the plug-ins.


The program is free and it will do all those simple things like re-sizing or producing outlines. Fast, easy, and works very well. More features than you would expect for freeware.

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I tried KK's, it was still too big when printing, but Hilly pm'd me one that worked perfectly (didn't get to trying yours Johanna...). Thank you all for the help! I'm going to talk to Tim about downloading Irfanview, 'cuz I'm sick of this since I have to modify so many patterns for size.

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Irfanview is widely used and safe. At work we call it "Squished Kitty".... due to the image used for the shortcut.

That's exactly what it looks like, too! Now I will never be able to look at it without thinking squished kitty, thanks a lot!


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I know this should go in the show off or similar section, but figured I'd toss it up here...These are just "in progress" pics.

Someone warned me, and it WAS harder than I expected...can't quite pinpoint why: the wings? the straight parts of the knotwork? I don't know. But it's done and ready for the PURPLE dye the customer wants.





  • 4 years later...
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There is a freeware program called "Gimp" that will do almost anything with images, really versatile. Just google it, it is amazing.


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