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Cowboy Sewing Machine Stitch Issue

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I am having problems with my Cowboy sewing machine pulling the bobbin thread loop up to the top recently. I am using 207 thread. I have adjusted all the tensions on the machine and bobbin up and down and it still will do it. If I get a near adjustment then it will start out like that then start to stitch correctly and do it again going around a curve. I love my machine and have not had this issue until recently. I keep it oiled and have switched the needle size and even used a smaller thread on the bobbin. Anyone else with a Cowboy machine that can help?

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Hi- I just got a CB3200 last week. I'm not trying to use it for leather - it's for nylon webbing for parachute harnesses. Using #346 nylon thread (5-cord) with a #26 or #27 needle. Although it seemed fine when I tried it out at the dealer (with some other kind of thread in the bobbin), it doesn't seem to want to get the thread lock up off the bottom. I maxed out the upper tension. I am going to try bringing it back to the dealer to see if he can figure it out.

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You can't catch the bobbin thread manually or the machine won't pick it up as you sew?

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I had a similar problem with the bobbin thread visible just below the surface of single layer thinner leathers (4-5 oz.). I replaced the bobbin spring but check to make sure you don't have any stuff under the bobbin spring which would lighten the tension. I cut a few coils off one of my upper bobbin springs to lighten the tension and it is now working perfectly. I can go from a decorative stitch on a single layer of 5 oz to a double layer of 5 and 7 oz with a perfect stitch.

Bob, If I understand your issue you have the "knot" on the bottom of your work and you want to pull it through to the middle? Just loosen the tension on the bobbin spring.



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After talking it over with Bob and Ryan, all is good. Both very patient and knowledgeable guys!

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