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Everything posted by Nhfarm50

  1. I just purchased a Cobra 4 and will want to sell my Cowboy 3200. I have no idea how to price it. It is about 4 years old and has had daily use. Thank you for your input.
  2. Thanks so much for your advise and input! It is greatly appreciated!
  3. Thank you for that answer! Sounds like what I should do - or better yet not add that to my leather line to be on the safe side. Although I wonder if you include some kind of disclaimer on the bill of sale that states it is only for entertainment purposes and not responsible for any misuse of the product or accident or death resulting from the use of this product??? My leather shop runs under our business Corp and don't want to endanger that!
  4. With the world being so crazy and the new open carry - can a person who sells a holster be held liable if the purchaser misuses a gun that was holstered in your product? Do you need to add some kind of disclaimer to the sale? I know this sounds far fetched, but the legal system has gone crazy. Thank you for any input on this topic.
  5. 25b - that is the problem of have with both my Cowboy machines... The tension can be quite hard to get just right. When it is really loose on the back I have found that I am using too large of a needle for the thread I am using. That is the only complaint about my 3200 or The Cowboy Artisian clone. 25b - that is the problem of have with both my Cowboy machines... The tension can be quite hard to get just right. When it is really loose on the back I have found that I am using too large of a needle for the thread I am using. That is the only complaint about my 3200 or The Cowboy Artisian clone.
  6. That is what is on my other two.... I was hoping to save some $$ and not have to buy a new motor.
  7. I just bought a Consew 226R-1 and it has a Glaco Clutch Motor and is way too fast for me... My other two machines have motors with reducers.... Since this is an older machine is there a way to slow it down? I only paid $200 and think I got a good deal... Haven't threaded it yet to make sure it stitches ok. Thanks!
  8. I looked on their site and I could not specifically find the A&E bonded. Do you ever have a problem with it twisting coming of the spool?
  9. Are you referring to the bottom tension on the machine or on the bobbin holder?
  10. I am having that same issue with mine all of a sudden
  11. I have had good success with quality, but does seem to have quite a few flaws to deal with on the good side. Did not have that issue before.
  12. What is the best machine thread to use when sewing spur straps and tack. I have been using all sizes of poly thread from Superior Thread, but at times have issues with it twisting. I use a Cowboy machine and prefer 207 weight thread. Thanks
  13. I am having problems with my Cowboy sewing machine pulling the bobbin thread loop up to the top recently. I am using 207 thread. I have adjusted all the tensions on the machine and bobbin up and down and it still will do it. If I get a near adjustment then it will start out like that then start to stitch correctly and do it again going around a curve. I love my machine and have not had this issue until recently. I keep it oiled and have switched the needle size and even used a smaller thread on the bobbin. Anyone else with a Cowboy machine that can help?
  14. This is an example of how they stamp. My leather was still a little wet, but I was trying to rush.
  15. This is just one of the stamps. There are 4-5 of each event in cutting, roping, barrel racing, racing, etc. They are really unique and I am sure I should keep and display them somehow, but my shop is already crammed full. The link to one of the EBay listings is item # 261484386513.
  16. I found IPEU stamped on the side. International Photo Engravers Union circa 1904-1964 (researching the stamp on the side)
  17. I purchased the stamps and tools from a saddle maker that had passed away. The stamps are pewter???? on small wood blocks and they show scenes such as calf roping, cutting etc. I feel sure he used them to stamp on belts. I am not going to use them so I am listing them on EBay and was wondering if anyone would know what material the actual detailed stamp might be made out of... It is gray like pewter and feels metallic. I can't figure out how to post pictures.
  18. I purchased the stamps and tools from a saddle maker that had passed away. The stamps are pewter???? on small wood blocks and they show scenes such as calf roping, cutting etc. I feel sure he used them to stamp on belts. I am not going to use them so I am listing them on EBay and was wondering if anyone would know what material the actual detailed stamp might be made out of... It is gray like pewter and feels metallic. I can't figure out how to post pictures.
  19. I have had great success ordering from The Hide House.
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