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Howdy folks!

I live in SoCal and Fiebing's will not ship out here due to some law or something. This leaves me in a bit of a tough spot because I've been using Eco-Flo with decent results but would like to move on to something better.

So any suggestions?


P.s. I used search but didn't find anything, sorry if I missed something obvious.

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I believe tandy dye is one thats available in California.

Another suggestion is to make your own stain/dye. It is much more difficult, time consuming and potentially more expensive than store bought but can give better results if some time and experimentation is allowed.

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I believe tandy dye is one thats available in California.

Is this the Eco Flo or some other dye? Well technically Eco-Flo isn't even a dye now is it? It's a "water based stain".


In California Tandy only sells the Eco-Flo line of products due to the vast number of laws that California has about VOC and everything else. The State basically finds everything in the world to be attributed to cancer in one way or another so that is where it stands. Being able to get anything of good quality (and in compliance with the law) is going to be one tough nut to crack. I know of several leather workers (primarily hobby level) that come here (Northern Nevada) from the Sacramento and surrounding areas to buy their Fiebing's dyes and products then transport them back home. Don't know of any issues related to such activity but that isn't saying that there may not be any. It is like everything else in life, you make a decision and accept the risk based on how comfortable you are with doing so.

What products from the Eco-Flo line are you using? Although I don't use the water based products on a normal basis there are times when I do and I use the Professional Waterstains as they are made by Fenice of Italy. They make a very fine product and I have found (during testing) that they are heads and tails above the typical Eco-Flo product.

Good luck in your search and be prepared to get information on several other product possibilities from others. The key thing to remember is that if it is not in compliance with the California laws regarding V.O.C.'s and is a chemical/spirit based product (of any kind) then you won't get it in California.

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In California Tandy only sells the Eco-Flo line of products due to the vast number of laws that California has about VOC and everything else. The State basically finds everything in the world to be attributed to cancer in one way or another so that is where it stands. Being able to get anything of good quality (and in compliance with the law) is going to be one tough nut to crack. I know of several leather workers (primarily hobby level) that come here (Northern Nevada) from the Sacramento and surrounding areas to buy their Fiebing's dyes and products then transport them back home. Don't know of any issues related to such activity but that isn't saying that there may not be any. It is like everything else in life, you make a decision and accept the risk based on how comfortable you are with doing so.

What products from the Eco-Flo line are you using? Although I don't use the water based products on a normal basis there are times when I do and I use the Professional Waterstains as they are made by Fenice of Italy. They make a very fine product and I have found (during testing) that they are heads and tails above the typical Eco-Flo product.

Good luck in your search and be prepared to get information on several other product possibilities from others. The key thing to remember is that if it is not in compliance with the California laws regarding V.O.C.'s and is a chemical/spirit based product (of any kind) then you won't get it in California.

Sometimes I hate California laws. They make no sense/are kind of stupid. But that's beside the point. I've got some people whom I can ask about there dyes.

A guy I know uses Fiebing's I think in his products, he does high end jackets, and I'll ask him about where he got his stuff.

As for which Eco-Flo products I'm using, I use these stain from Tandy. The professional line, I also use the gum trag and neatsfoot from Eco-Flo as well.

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You live in the state that manufactures the best leather die going. Angelus. Eco-Flo is crap it is a water based product, not even a leather die. The tree hugers of Calif. would love for you to use it.

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You live in the state that manufactures the best leather die going. Angelus. Eco-Flo is crap it is a water based product, not even a leather die. The tree hugers of Calif. would love for you to use it.

Yeah Eco-Flo is decent for beginning but I want to move on from being a beginner. I'll look into Angelus thanks.

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Dharma trading company in Petaluma is the best place and best price

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I also like Angelus dyes. They are waterbased but give beautiful vibrant color. I have ordered from Dharma quite a few times and they are wonderful and extremely fast. You may be able to order some of the oil based off of EBay if that's what u really want. After my research I found that a lot of people really like the Angelus and the spirit base is a little easier to work with.


The Angelus leather paints are water based, their dyes are alcohol based (posted right there on their website) so you need to make sure that the alcohol used isn't on the California "10 Most Wanted Criminals" list against the environment. As long as the alcohol base used isn't high V.O.C. or tagged as "cancer causing" (which living in California just about everything, including breathing, has been determined to cause cancer) you should be okay.

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You can get quarts of Fiebings professional oil dye at Sav-More leather in downtown LA if you have a resale certificate from the BOE.

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You can get quarts of Fiebings professional oil dye at Sav-More leather in downtown LA if you have a resale certificate from the BOE.

Just picked up a small bottle of Fiebing's from Sav-Mor this moning. Didn't ask for a resale certificate. Maybe it's the bigger bottles that need that for it?

Anyways this stuff is so great. The leather takes hold of the color really well and easily.

Sadly though they were out of black. :( I picked up a dark brown though which with a second coat looks pretty damn black!

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You're welcome.

Just picked up a small bottle of Fiebing's from Sav-Mor this moning. Didn't ask for a resale certificate. Maybe it's the bigger bottles that need that for it?

Anyways this stuff is so great. The leather takes hold of the color really well and easily.

Sadly though they were out of black. :( I picked up a dark brown though which with a second coat looks pretty damn black!

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